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Why is my grey so quiet? :/


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my African grey was born on 30th may 2011.

so he is coming very close to 5 months old now...


ive had him for nearly 3 weeks now & he is verry quiet, he doesnt make much noise at all :/

He is very tame & loves me to stoke him & he walks all over me & plays nice with me...

i spend hours sitting with him talking to him & strroking him...


The only time he really chirps is when he is in his cage & im not paying him no attention or if i walk out of the room.. & even then its not constant chirping, its just 1 or 2 little chirps..


(please note when i say he is quiet i dont mean his not talking as i know he is still quite young to talk yet...im meaning chirping & chattering & baby grey noises)


ive seen youtube videos of baby greys much younger than my coco & they are very vocal & chirping away, making lots of differant noises... is coco ok???

He eats & drinks well & seems very happy with his toys, ropes & perches in his cage,

he is jus so very queit :(

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Hi NatJ

First he is still new to your home and he made need some more time to settle in.

When we first got Corky she was very quiet but she was happy and played with her toys ate good and she would travel with us and just enjoy being around us.

Now I sometimes wish we had those times back because she talks and talks and sings and talks non stop.

When they are ready you will know it. Some greys are more quiet than others.

Now with Corky you can`t listen to TV you can`t talk on the phone you can`t listen to music or talk to your family member with out her butting in.

Enjoy this time

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My Ana Grey is a 3 year old TAG and she has her spells of talking and of being quiet. My 6 month old CAG is very quiet and he usually only makes noises when the other two are pestering him. I live alone so I'm sure it is the quietness of my home that effects their moods. I do know that if I am on the telephone they become much more vocal perhaps it is because they feel they now have an audience. So how verbal are you around your grey and how active is your home? Try turning on a radio/music or singing to your grey and see if Coco's vocals increase. I believe the more I interact with my parrots the more they express themselves. Give it a try.

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