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My newest babies!


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Just wanted to show off some pictures of my newest babies! Pair of 6 month old sun conures. Been wanting a CAG for a while and my wife decided I should get these for her. The one on the left is kiwi and the right is mango. Only problem is only way I can tell them apart is kiwi still has a touch of fuz on his chest, when he loses that idk lol. Although their personalities are quite a bit different. Kiwi seems to be more outgoing but tends to get a bit rough while mango is shy and gentle. Neither of them will allow me or my wife to pick them up yet but they have been a real joy to have around. Kiwi seems to be the more dominate of the two also. I was thinking about separating them thinking it might cool kiwi out a bit but idk.




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  luvparrots said:
Kiwi and Mango are very cute indeed! Are they siblings??


Thanks, you know I thought so too! They are so adorable. Yea, from what I understood when from the person I got them from they were "accidents". Although I'm not entirely sure how you accidentally incubate eggs for the required time. But they've been a wonderful addition to our family.

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Thank you all! I am seriously in love with them. After only a few days they already respond to their names. I'm surprised at how fast they have seemed to learn them. I had seen on another site somewhere that showed the changes in coloration they go through, from what I've read usually at around a year of age. They are some of the more bright colored birds out there I've seen. Though they are pretty now, I'm looking forward to watching them change to that brilliant coloration!

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Yea that's one thing I noticed. Mango and Kiwi seem to go through a "loud" phase a couple times a day usually about the same time. But the noise doesn't really bother me, and where we live the nearest neighbor is 3/4th a mile down the road and he SURELY won't hear it no matter how loud they get lol.

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