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Crickets journey

Ray P

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I posted a thread obout Cricket history and a thread Than and now.

This is going to be a step by step of Cricket`s journey from than to now and I hope this will help some one who may plan to rehome a zon in the future.

First I had a fear of zons from what I had read so what I did may not be the same that some one else might do, but this worked for me.

The trip home.

The trip to Florida was to be a quick trip so we took our 12 passenger van and not the motor home. we took the first row and the third row of seats out so we had room for Corky`s cage and our dog smokey.

The way home went very well. Corky`s cage was behind the driver seat and Cricket`s cage behind the center seat. And we came home with a extra dog Bacon a doxe.

At home.

The very first thing was to put Cricket in a large cage, For years she was in a 16x16x24 cage. The next thing was to change her diet from all seed and peanuts to vegs and pellet and other good stuff.

The first 2 1/2 to three weeks we did not let her out of the cage, but I had a stool by her cage where I would sit and talk to here and offer her treats every time I walked by. It was in the first week of the 2 1/2 weeks when I came into the room she would go over to the spot where my stool was and wait for me to come over to talk and give her treats. This was the start of our bond and trust.

Next out of cage time

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Sounds like this is going to be a very interesting read. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story. I have considered an amazon, I just think I'm obsessed with birds. Maybe it's the MBS I've read so much about here, but I really want a double yellow headed amazon. Such pretty birds.

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