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Still uncomfortable around hands...


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I've had my CAG about 2 months now. I work from home so he constantly out of the cage around me. He loves sitting on my shoulder and will now stepup on cue. He however does NOT like being "petted" when he's on his homemade portable perch. He will not bite but simply put his beak around me and push me away. If I try to scratch his head(which he LOVES when he's on my computer desk flat footed) he will inch away. Likewise if I put my hands near him without saying "stepup" he will push me away with his beak. My camera is currently broken otherwise I'd post a video of exactly what I mean. He takes treats and steps-up just fine. What is going on?

I want him to be comfortable around my hands as I've seen others craddle theirs like a baby on his back. What's a good way to start making him LIKE me touching him?

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Some Greys do not like scratches at all. Yours does like them, but in cirtian places and times for example. I must say, he is very well behaved to just take your finger or hand and push it away. Many will give a hard pinch to let you know it's "Not Know" time.


Our grey likes scratches when we are sitting on the couch in the evening watching tv or a movie, especially when in in my wifes lap (His cuddle muffin) and he will lay on his back feet stuck up in the air, roll himslef up in the towel on her lap or sometimes just lower his head and enjoy scracthes for 10 to 20 minues.


If he is on one of our shoulders, a treestand, perch etc. it is not a "Scratch Area" and he will let you know with a very quick hard pinch most the time.


You are very lucky to have such a mild mannered grey! :)

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Funny, you posted about something you'd like to change but all I kept reading was good things.


Good that you get so much time together. Good that he's so comfortable being out. Good that he politely pushes you away rather than bites. Good that you respect what he asks. Really sounds pretty good especially considering it has only been 2 mo. :)


Like Dan said, some birds just don't care for scritches. Mine don't. But they love to have beak & feet rubs & occasionally a bit under the wing. So, I've gotten trained to accept that. lol


My ekkie really loves to cuddle into the crook of my arm w/my hand cupped over her, just being held, though. I think that's more than fair trade for no scritches.


You could try other types of affection &/or keep asking him to let you scritch him. He may eventually change his mind or you might.

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