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Worried about my African Greys health please SEE THIS VIDEO :)


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I made a youtube video of the sounds and behavior my grey is doing. Im worried shes either in pain or uncomfortable or suffering right because she just got leg surgery a month ago for a broken femur. It's been 3 months since she broke it and the doc said she shouldnt be in much pain anymore if any at all.


So my question is...... is this reaction in the video link Pain or is it Mating which is my second guess or love etc?


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I am guessing it is mating behavior, she sounds like she is all hot and bothered, I noticed her wings were slightly lowered and out from the body and she is panting, all sexual behavior. I noticed you did not touch her on her body, just the neck with scritches and then at the end she was going thru the motions for reguritation. I don't think she is in pain, you need to direct her to something else when she gets this way or you will only frustrate her and then she may bite you because you don't satisfy her. (blush)

I am more interested in how she broke her leg Spence.

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Well that's a relief. She broke her leg being on a 6 ft. Tall tree perch stand and falling and landing horrible wrong from what I seen and hitting the base of the perch stand sideways leg first. Now I cover the bases with hand towels just incase. 1400 dollars later and 2 operations it's finally getting better:( ill try to back off suggestive petting she gets all hot and bothered VERY easily these days. Is it a phase like cats in heat or longer?

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My TAG is 6 months and she does something similar where she hangs her wings low and pants. She then looks like she's dancing going from one foot to the other, then acts like she's trying to regurgitate. The thing is she doesn't do it when I scratch her, usually she does it first thing in the morning when I open her cage and say good morning. It's like a little happy hello dance! She then pulls my fingers towards her so she can step up and keep dancing! It's cute but I don't want to get her excited in a sexual way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it is love also. My Grey does this sometimes too. I wonder if this is a female behaviour only or if males do it too. I never had my bird sexed but I have always called her a she. Finny started calling herself 'Mr. Finny Foo' so is she trying to tell us we have it all wrong? I'm glad the leg is healing well. How scary that must have been.

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My male CAG does the same thing, pants, drops wings, sways, regurgitates... and people will always say "Oh it's because he loves you sooo much! But don't give attention or affection while he's doing it!" Yeah well guess what, I have a Grey I have to admire from a distance because it's all he does if I want to interact with him! Pretty frustrating if you ask me (For both of us) :(

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Bless her heart for the broken leg and complications. You have already been through a lot with her. Our male does the same love talk and I have to distract him with other things. There were times he was focused on it every time he came near me, but with reinforcing the distractions, the mating instinct has ebbed away.

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  • 1 month later...

Ya im with you guys on the petting, getting all hot and bothered things too. She does it quite frequently now, I wish i could take her to a bed shop and rent her a parrot hotel and give her a pack of condoms and let her get it out of her system so I could rape her face with kisses again and pet her all over :P


I have found one strategy that usually works for me though. When I pet her and she gets all worked up again I will pause and go to walk out of the room like im taking off and it sort of snaps her out of it and back into reality and is like a cold shower that cools her off at least temporarily. I doubt this would work for anyone else but it works good for her ^_^


He leg is fully healed now and she is walking on it fully again without limpin or pain. But she also has much slower movements and climbs slower etc. I imagine much like humans who hurt themselves she is going to have a few months of basically solo 'parrot physical therapy' and have to rebuild those leg muscles she hasnt used much lately and get them strong again and flexible.


There was one question I had asked when i first made the thread nobody answered that I am very curious about. Are these little 'heat cycles' permanent or temporary? Do they go through a phase like cats then get normal again or will she exhibit these bahaviors for as long as she is in love with me (which is probably life since she cant go 5 sec without me).


P.S. Sorry for reviving an old/dead thread just wanted to give everyone an update. I deleted my youtube account so the video no longer works for new posters who havent seen it yet but thats fine :) Happy thanksgiving everyone! Me chloe and harvey (my umbrella cockatoo) will be chowin down today like it's the last supper! Birdies are gonna be eatin good today! :D No turkey for them though :P Just say no to cannabalism :)


Cheers all!

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*********There was one question I had asked when i first made the thread nobody answered that I am very curious about. Are these little 'heat cycles' permanent or temporary? Do they go through a phase like cats then get normal again or will she exhibit these bahaviors for as long as she is in love with me (which is probably life since she cant go 5 sec without me).******


Well lets see--What you're talking about has nothing to do with heat cycles. If someone was tickling your johnson in April, You'd get that thrillllll. If someone was tickling your johnson in May, you'd get that thrilllllll. If someone was tickling it everyday, you'd get that thrillllll alot more and you'd be in heaven. . So, you're actually confusing what's going on when a bird has a hormonal cycle which for some birds comes once or twice a year. A bird doesn't need to be rubbed when that time comes. Actually, when those cycles happen, many birds will get extremely aggressive if a person decides to start touching them all over the place, especially female greys. Only the mate will be doing that in breeding season. That'll last for about 1 to 2 mts. It's called their breeding season. Like every other species of bird, they only breed at certain times of the year.

So, what you're doing is stimulating a bird into a situation that will only get worse the more you do it. At one point, the bird will bite a person if a persopn decides to stop doing it after months of touching/stimulating certain areas. It feels really good to the bird. This can happen to very young birds up to adult birds. Sorta like when you're 11 yrs old and the girl finally says no but you still wanna keep going.

So, what's the cure? You simply don't ever touch your bird in those places no matter what age the bird is.


*******I wish i could take her to a bed shop and rent her a parrot hotel and give her a pack of condoms and let her get it out of her system ******


None of these things are necessary and very impractical. Simply stop teasing her. You're definitely the one that's causing these reactions. Birds don't do these types of things when they're alone and not being touched. This applies to both male and female birds.


So, I hope you're getting the answer to your touchy, feely diilema.

Edited by Dave007
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1) No she can't fly. They're both clipped. And the way my pet shop does it. They clip one side completely and leave the other fully grown. This makes it supposedly in theory so they can fly to the ground easier and safer should they fall and have some glide ability, but as they are flying the wing that is clipped causes them to sort of "tornado" spiral down to the ground softly so they dont fly forward into walls or other harmful things etc.. Any of you ever heard this being done? I would love to hear your thoughts and opinons on it versus the traditional way of clipping both wings. My birds are house birds and dont care much for the outdoors they get easily startled by everything and always end up running back to me in 5 seconds vs exploring or enjoying themselves. They are totally spoiled "metrosexuals" and prefer ice cread head rubs, personal space heaters and warm fuzzy blankers, and episodes of dexter :D


2) And thx for all the answers to my questions. "I get it now:


I found it weird that only my grey does it. My umbrella cockatoo I can rub him up and down all day long and pet him anywhere I like and while I can tell it feels good, it's like a ahhh your petting me feel good, not a ooooo yeah baby right there right there! oooo....mmmm.gggggg....yes! Kinda feel good.


I guess every species of bird is diff. Or so it seems. My grey has chilled out a bit since then. It just seems like the more i pay attention to her and pet her and get lovey with her the more hot and borthered she gets. So since then I have knocked it off and now i just casually pet her in little 30-60 second periods. Any as far as head scratches it seems I can do those all day long and they have no effect. But any belly rubbing, thigh rubbing, or back of the wings and shes all worked up in a matter of seconds so I've cut that out since then and just stuck with head scratches :P

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The way your pet shop does it is completely wrong and dangerous. That was stopped many years ago. The only thing that that method does is make the bird fly around in a circle anf fall in bad angles. That kind of practice is definitely dangerous for any bird. We have lots of articles here concerning Wing clipping and that method isn't really talked about because it was stopped so long ago. It really doesn't matter if your birds are house birds or outdoor birds. They should have the ability to fly in a straight line. Properly done wing clippings will allow a bird to fly from left to right but the bird won't be able to go upward. It doesn't matter which species of bird that the one wing method is used on. It's dangerous. You should concentrate on letting those wings become even. It'll take a while. I would also advise that you stop getting any work done at that pet shop. There are veterinarians and veterinary techs that do that type of thing. It's probably the second worst thing that can be done to a bird. The first thing that used to be was when birds were chained on one leg to a play stand in order for the bird not to fly away. Many times when that was done, the bird would try and fly away and would break it's leg. Like I said this method was stopped about 20 years ago.

Edited by Dave007
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