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Fear of getting a plucker

Guest khaiqha

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Hey guys, all the plucking stories online have been starting to scare me. I would like anyone who's had their grey for a decade or more to talk about their bird. How did it handle stressful situations, such as marriage, moving, kids, etc.


(I plan on getting a grey down the line, but the internet makes them sound like they're all pluckers)

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Hi Khaiqha

My Congo Grey will be eleven years old on Dec 5 of this year and she is not a plucker. When we first met her she was 9 weeks old and we fell in love. At about 14 or 15 weeks she came home with us and she has never been away from us from that day on.

There is some good information on the net and there is also a lot of junk and misinformation and it`s just about birds it`s all kinds of other things to.

It`s forums like this one the Grey forum that can give you the foundation you need to rase a happy and well balanced grey and not just greys but other parrots as well.

Many members have greys that don`t pluck and have rehomed greys that do.

If you rase your grey like you would rase a child with lots of love and attention and toys the chance of getting a plucker is slim. Ask any member.






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Hi khaiqha, my greys are non-pluckers but are only 3 years old and 6 months so I have no personal knowledge about greys that pluck. I do know that plucking can be caused by a number of things including stress, changes, lack of vitamin D (sunlight) and health issues. I certainly have no information about it being a "problem" with greys. I don't believe we have an overabundance of members who have greys over ten years old so I don't know how many answers you will be getting from owners of older greys.

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i have an 8 year old peach front conure who plucks and has on and off for years. we've had her since she was weened. she's always had her vet checks on time, so we know its not a health issue. it's just something she does regardless of the amount of attention she gets or things she has to shred and destroy and play with. she leaves the grey down on her chest and belly and just takes off the bright green feathers. i tease her about being in her underwear when she's "grey" and compliment her on her beautiful shirt when she's "green".


our cag is almost 3 years old, we've had her about 6 months now. she gets her vet checks on time as well. she has a small area on her neck that she plucks and has since we met her to start the adoption process. it's something she always did, even in her 1st home which was a loving one.


i know plucking can freak people out, i did the 1st time i saw my conure in her "underwear"!


however, they are both the greatest, most fun, interesting, entertaining companions ever. we love them whether they're in their "underwear" or fully "clothed". and yes, i tried meds for our conure, but they only helped for a short time so we stopped. the girls are healthy and happy, we're happy with them, and to me, that's what's important. shoot, i bite my finger nails and have most of my life so i'm not in the best position to "judge" so to speak, lol!


i'm just trying to say, yes it's distressing but it isn't the end of the world at least in our experience. we don't bring attention to it or dramatize it in anyway if we catch them plucking. we just love them, for themselves, with all that it implies and with all of their little quirks included.

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No not all greys are pluckers but yes they are prone to pluck under stress and some can be triggered by something simple and others it builds up to that, sometimes it is a physical problem and that has to be ruled out by a thorough checkup by an avian vet. My grey does not pluck and she is 5 years old but it could happen but I am not going to worry about it if it does, she is the same bird whether she is fully feathered or oven ready.

I think a lot of the stress comes from our reaction to stressful situations, if we freak out over most difficulties then it affects our fids especially our greys for they are atuned to our emotions, if we handle things more calmly then they will stress out less. I like Ray's statement, "If you raise your grey like you would raise a child with lots of love and attention and toys the chance of getting a plucker is slim."

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My Dorian is a chest plucker and I have had him since he was nine weeks old. I fed him until he was weaned and continue to this day to feed him by a spoon his oatmeal and other favorites. He started plucking his chest just after he turned one. He is now going to be three in Dec. His personality didn't change and he's been seen by the vet several times and he found no medical reason for him to do this. I have tried various remedies, but none have worked. When I, like you, heard that grey's are prone to plucking, I thought but my bird won't be like that and if he did pluck how would I react? Well, once you have him/her it will make little difference to you. They are beautiful with or without their feathers.... You see, it's not the outward appearance you fall in love with, but the true insides of the bird. Their sweet and endearing little personalities make them the most beautiful creatures that they are. So, if by chance your grey becomes a plucker and there is no medical reason for it, you will find that it's really not a BIG DEAL after all. I hope this helps.



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I have an 11 & a half year old re-homed CAG. He was extremely neglected ("stored" in a spare bedroom) for over two years because the family had 4 large dogs & 3 cats and "didn't have time for him any more" !!! He was screechy, aggresive, wouldn't come out of his cage & a would bite the bars out of frustration.

If this situation wouldn't produce a plucker ---- nothing would !!! HE IS NOT A PLUCKER AND NEVER HAS BEEN.


There is no reason to worry. At this point ( i've had him 18 months ) he is a loving, happy, well-adjusted baby !! He still bites on occasion but even if he was a plucker, I would love him just as much !!

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