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Question about ant problem


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We are having a problem with those tiny sugar ants. I found on the internet that the best way to get rid of them without pesticides is to use a mixture of confectioners sugar and 20 Mule Team Borax. Does anyone know if this is safe to use around birds? If not, does anyone have any safe suggestions for getting rid of these darned ants??

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Ewwwww. I would never use Borax around my birds. I believe it's highly toxic if inhaled. I use the ant cups, I have them every where, but have then best luck constantly wiping up crumbs. Also, the GReen environmentally safe sprays that replace 409 and harsh cleaners will kil them instantly if you lightly spray it. Although I only use that on my counters, ant cups around the bird cages is all I use there.

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I understand black pepper works for getting rid of ants, also talcum powder/baby powder or plain old cinnamon. Perhaps one of these non-poison remedies will work for you Barbara. Good luck!!


It is definitely worth a try. Thanks! (I'm trying the pepper and cinnamon first.)

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Our breeder started me out with some Camacide which is spray made from chrysanthemums and is sold by bird stores as non toxic to our birds. However, in looking it up on the internet to get the quickest spelling, I am seeing that it is sold out in many places. The one thing I picked up was a citrus based "goo gone" and sprayed on a group of ants in a hurry once and it worked quickly and effectively as well. I would not spray this in the food area or bird cages, but if you can find a trail, or point of entrance, it does the trick. We live in the south, have the outside only sprayed quarterly and I use the camacide on inside sporadically if we have active invasions.

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We have an exterminator service do the outside of the house and we no longer have any ant problems, they will also do the inside but I don't allow them to spray anything inside the house as it may not be bird safe, it is not inexpensive but worth it in my opinion.


This is what is really interesting: We also have an exterminator service and we've never had these ants. I just looked and the last time I paid the service was this past December. They stopped coming and we didn't even think about it! (We don't let them do anything inside either.) I guess I need to call tomorrow. In the meantime, we took the sugar/borax mix outside and put it down near what looks like the nest.


Thanks to all for the help and suggestions!!

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