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Meet Buddy! :)


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Hi guys!

So you might have remembered I had an old post about whether or not I should get an African Grey and at that time I had a lot of problems regarding where to put the cage and how my parents weren't that cooperative. But anyway, that was a few months ago, and they have made concessions and the cage is now inside the family room. We are all very excited and we have all agreed to take care of her (actually, I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl, but we are going to assume she's a girl).


Her name was supposed to be Buckbeak (Harry Potter reference), but my parents found that too difficult, and we have taken to calling her Buddy. The reason why Buddy's with us now is because my friend could no longer take care of her, and so she gave her to us, including the cage and all of her toys and perches. It's only been a day since Buddy started living with us but we love her already! She is 3 years old, which is still relatively young. She seems to be adapting well, no plucking, she can talk, but it's not very clear. We can touch her beak, but that's it. When she was with her old owners, we could hold her, but after getting her home, she doesn't want to be held and makes attempts to bite us. She eats well and already loves destroying things.


Pictures! :)







Awww, she's so cute! I love it when she carries things with her talons. There are no problems with her, but I do have a minor concern and I would just like some reassurance. She won't act this distant with us forever, right? I know this is a new environment and all, and I really hope that she will be able to open up so we can actually hold her and actually pet her without fearing that she'll bite us. That's the only reason why my parents are still kind of weary about Buddy. :(

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It does take time to gain trust especially in a new home with new people. Speak softly and offer treats! If you find something she really likes, don't put it in her bowl. Just offer it through the bars of the cage so she knows that the family hands bring good things. Talk to her, sing to her and talk to her as if she understands what you're saying. That's my little tid bits. I'm sure others more knowledgable will be along to offer advice. Congratulations!

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Buddy is a good looking greay and Barbara gave you some good advice. Also don`t rush your grey, give her time to settle in and get to know how things work in your house.

Buddy will come around and in time you will wonder how you lived with out her.

Remember that if one day you were put into a new home with strangers with no warning how would feel.

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Thanks everyone! :)


And Eshana, there are some other toys for her but she doesn't really like playing with them, and at the time of the pictures, she just happened to really like those balls that she already broke in half. We're going to go get some more toys for her later today.


And just an update, I think she is getting more comfortable around us and we have learned how to get used to reading her body language. She loves walking around is almost never inside her cage, but it is a bit difficult getting her back in because she just loves to play so much.

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Buddy is a greyt looking grey and so glad you could give her a new home, as the others have said just give her time to settle into her new home and she may need some help in learning to play with toys, you might help that along by playing with them yourself and show her what fun you are having with them.

Thanks for sharing some pics of Buddy with us and let the good times roll.

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Hi guys! Thank you for all of your comments. I have another question... so a couple of days ago, Buddy was pretty sweet and shy, but today, even though I thought things were getting better, she started getting a little bit more aggressive... or maybe she didn't like the treats we bought her because when we handed it to her, she kind of made a fast darting movement like she wanted to bite... Is this normal for her to get moody?

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Remember she is a 3 year old bird with a previous owner so she is unpacking her baggage now and more of her personality is showing thru, at that moment you handed her a treat she may just not have been in a mood to accept it, we have times ourselves we want to be left alone and if she gives you the cue then let her be and try again later. They like to have some control over what and when they will do things so just back off a bit when she gets that way and she may be more receptive at a later time. You have only had her a short time and it takes a while for her to settle in and feel comfortable so give her plenty of time and be patient with her as she adjusts.

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Okay, thank you. :) I think she is more of my bird than my parent's bird. >.> They seem to think she's aggressive or something, but it's more because we don't understand her well enough. We do leave her alone when she gets like that, but a little bit later she is fine.

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Hi guys! Thank you for all of your comments. I have another question... so a couple of days ago, Buddy was pretty sweet and shy, but today, even though I thought things were getting better, she started getting a little bit more aggressive... or maybe she didn't like the treats we bought her because when we handed it to her, she kind of made a fast darting movement like she wanted to bite... Is this normal for her to get moody?


You can expect of period of adjustment where she learns that these new people are not a threat. It is not unusual for a parrot to reject a treat from someone that they don't trust even though they really want that treat. I have seen my parrots throw something they love to the bottom of the cage if it's from a strange hand. Just keep trying, and try different things. (Grapes are tough to resist.) It is a good idea to not feed too many fruits but at this time and getting her comfortable, I don't think it's a bad thing.

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Don't feed too many fruits? How much is too much? :o


That's a good question and I don't know how to answer it. I think you might find as many different answers to that as you might the question of, "How often should you give your children cookies?" I give fruit as treats but not as part of the main meal. I'm sure that others have different rules.

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Wow! For the past couple of days I thought Buddy was just a quiet, nontalkative bird, but I guess not. This morning on her outside perch, we turned on the music, left the room and recorded her, and boy was she "singing"! She continually whistled along with the song until it ended, and refused to talk again until another song played. Oh, and we finally got to pet her head today. Progress!

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Hi guys! Thank you for all of your comments. I have another question... so a couple of days ago, Buddy was pretty sweet and shy, but today, even though I thought things were getting better, she started getting a little bit more aggressive... or maybe she didn't like the treats we bought her because when we handed it to her, she kind of made a fast darting movement like she wanted to bite... Is this normal for her to get moody?


Things are getting much better but you need to expect some set backs. Yes, she's moody and isn't used to everything and for a time, her behavior will be erractic. Not to worry. Just go with the flow and she'll come around. Good luck.

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It sounds like you have a good heart and a really good start with your Buddy. Every grey and every home is unique so just trust your judgement, treat her with respect and read as much as you can on this site. That is where I learned everything I need to know to be successful with our grey. You will become more familiar and learn her signals. I do have to laugh a little though. On your first post you said you "really hope that she will be able to open up so we can actually hold her and actually pet her without fearing that she'll bite us." So, I do have to tell you we have had our littler parrot Java for five years and our TAG Gilbert for six months now and even though we hold them a lot and scratch them on the head, there is always the prospect of a bite. We have just learned to set the stage for a good interaction and to be a good sport and come back at a better time when they get in a mood. But thinking about it, there are times when someone pesters me when I want to be left alone and I would love to give them a bite sometimes too. Keep up the good spirit, Buddy is beautiful and you are going to get closer and closer and it will happen in its own time and you will wonder how you lived without her.

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Haha, yeah! We can scratch her on her head, and she'll be really cute about it, but then in the next second she'll turn back and attempt to nip at us. But it's okay. Her bites aren't as ferocious as before (unless she's sleepy and in a particularly grouchy mood), but more of a little nudge away. She learned how to say no in context, and instead of the clicking sound she always used to tell us she wants to be left alone, she now says "no!" Everyone is a lot happier to be around her now, and we find her very funny. Even my dad - the person hardest to please - can't resist her charm!

Edited by xxaznqt
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