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My first day with my new Grey!


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So, today is my first day with my new TAG, who I am calling Ivan. I am seeing how it fits, I think it fits him, but we'll see if it sticks. He is a fabulous bird. I am really enjoying him so far. He says A LOT of things including hi, hi baby, hi tim, hi honey, hi bird, birdie, water, go potty. He is doing great on stepping up for me. He has had cage aggression in his previous home so I open the door and allow him to come out and then he steps up. I reinforce every step up. He lunged once when I tried to hand him a seed from outside the cage, so I am working on offering treats from outside the cage when I walk by and it's already improving.


His body language seems really straightforward. The softness in his eyes and eyelids when he is relaxed is obvious. When he is tense, I can clearly see a hardness and actual ridge in the muscle. He moves a lot so I can also see that being still (not exactly a freeze) can mean he isn't sure. He likes scritches and in fact will push his head into my arm when he wants to be scritched. He gave me a quick nip on the arm which he may have done because I had stopped scritching or hadn't started, so we will need to work on that. So far though, he is great and I love him:)

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Sounds wonderful. This is the "honeymoon phase" so enjoy getting to know "Ivan". What was his previous name? any pictures? ? ?


I hear people talk about "honeymoon periods" all the time, however, I have never, ever experienced one with any bird I have ever adopted. I do a lot of training immediately which generally reinforces all the behaviors that I really like, so those behaviors continue to happen and go up in frequency. Yes, he will relax, but I am not too worried about him changing too much. I haven't taken any new pictures yet, but I will soon.

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