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Recently adopted an older Grey...


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Hello everyone! :)

Last week, I found myself the new parent to a 17 year old Grey. His previous owners were an elderly couple that lived in an assisted living place here in town. The woman promised herself that if she ever got to the point that she couldn't take care of him (Willie), that she'd find him a good home. That time finally came... About 2 years ago, really, but she just now had the heart to let him go.

Since they moved into the assisted living place, Willie has been in his cage all the time, and she admitted that she just never really interacted with him much anymore, that he was "just there".

About a month ago, he started plucking out the feathers on his chest, and that's what got her to give in.

She's had him since he was about 6 months old.


It's a big change for her and Willie. She calls me every day to see how he's doing.

At first, he took to me okay enough, but then a few days went by where he really didn't want anything to do with me. Made sense. I wasn't his family.


Well, I know you're not supposed to do the whole "leave the cage door open and he'll come out when he wants to" thing, but that's exactly what I did. I didn't want to put him through he stress of me just reaching in and taking him out of his safe place. He did make his way out on the third day, and now he rarely goes back in except for at night or when he's hungry.


We've made big improvements over this past week, which I think is a good sign for it to be so soon for him.

He'll let me know when I am invited to handle him, and other times, he's just fine with me scratching him all over, as long as I don't try and make him step up. Then, there are the times were he wants to be just left completely alone. It's during those times that he is flat out mean.


He didn't have any toys in his cage when I got him, so I went on a birdie shopping spree the other day and got him several toys. He's taken to a couple of them, but the others, he doesn't acknowledge. I'm guessing that has to do with so much change at once.


Now. I have owned several birds in the past, and since 2004, we've had two white doves, but this is the first "large" bird I've ever had. I've read up on a ton of articles and info since the night I got him, and I think I have a good idea on where to go with him, but I wonder if any of you guys could give me some tips on helping him settle in, especially with his age and all.


He has stopped his feather plucking since he's been with me, which I'm happy about. He has a bald spot on his chest though. :( Will that ever grow back?

He will eat some things I offer him from my hand, and for the most part, he's polite about accepting whatever I offer him... Sometimes he tosses it as far as he can as soon as I let go though. He's not really flipping his food everywhere, which is happy for me. I take it as I got him the right kind of stuff. I did find out today that he loves 7UP, which is probably baaaad. Heh.


He hasn't started talking yet, which his previous owner said he used to talk all the time, but I'm guessing that may be part of settling in. He does whistle and click, and has just opened up with this cool water noise when we pour something or run the tap water. Usually he whistles when he's ready for attention. I haven't figured out his random clicks yet.


Anyway. I could sit here and write a book, so I'll hush.

Any tips would be awesome though! :)

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Sounds like you are doing everything right. Please keep him away from 7-up though :(


I mean the fact that he allows you to scratch him is AWESOME! I think he will start talking before you know it. Keep things calm and positive in the house, perhaps, a tad joyful, and he will come around. Don't force anything, and let him give you the tempo he wants to progress with.


Now this worked for my bird when he started messing with his feathers, you might try taking (what's his name?) out in the sunshine for at least 15 minutes a day. I added regular sunshine to my bird's routine which totally mellowed him out. I also added a cooked drumstick bone, once a week, to his diet (for calcium). He LOVES those bones. A couple of DAYS after I started this he has never messed with his feathers since. I guess the sunshine is necessary to change a precursor of Vitamin D into an active form which is good for adjusting hormones, and for assimilating calcium - very important. Besides, my guy LOVES going outside and he even asks to go outside. Just something to keep in mind. Who knows maybe his feathers will grow back.


Good luck and keep us posted. Just curious how did you find the bird or how did you find the couple with the bird? I hope they realize how lucky they are to find such a conscientious new owner!

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Hi Kaldi0143. Kudos to you for taking in an older grey! Is Willie a CAG or a TAG? You are doing just fine by Willie. It's a great idea to let Willie come out of his cage on his own. That's what I have always done with my three. I'm looking forward to hearing more about Willie's and your journey toward bonding. Welcome to the Grey family!

Edited by luvparrots
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What a great start you have had with Willie. I am guessing he is fairly well adjusted having had a steady home and trustworthy humans in his life to this point. I would suggest getting as much information from his loving owner as you can get to provide him with comfort and familiarity. Ask about bathing him, how they have gone about it, what kind of traumatic events he might have had that he might associate with something like the vacuum cleaner or other loud noises. Has he had other animals in his life, dogs, cats etc. that he might name later and you would at least know what he is talking about. Maybe get a list of names in his family. We have a rehomed TAG and he talks about things and it would be something to know what he is chatting about and whether his excitement is for good or if he is stressed. You are already off to a magnificent start from what progress he is making with you. Congratulations on finding Willie and welcoming him into your home.

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I agree that Willie and I are off to a great start. I guess right now we are just setting limits with each other. I was surprised today, he let me pull his wings out to scratch under them. He seemed to love that. I brought him in the shower with me today too. He doesn't like to be -in- the water, but doesn't mind me holding him close enough for the mist to spray on him. That seemed to really put him in a good mood.

He is a CAG. Pics are still on my phone. I need to get them downloaded to the PC.

About the chicken bones, his previous owner said he loves those. He also loves to crumble peanut shells.

We go outside every day, well when its not raining, of course. I keep him in his cage out there for now, but he seems content. He pays attention to EVERYTHING out there.

So far the only words he's said are "No" and today he said either "Oh Willie", or "Oh really", I couldn't tell which it was. I don't think it'll be long, he'll be talking up a storm.


Katana, thanks for that little tip about the different things to ask his previous owner about. I didn't think about some of those things, and those are things I need to know about him.


Chezron, I worked up at the assisted living place for a little over a year, in the salon. I used to do the lady's hair. When she finally decided to find him a new home, the only two people she would let him go to was either me, or my boyfriend's mom. They have this little dog that is probably about as old as Willie is, and when I took Willie away, the dog wouldn't let him out of site. It was so sad. The woman calls me daily to see how Willie is doing. I promised I'd bring him back to visit from time to time. This woman is in her late 80's and her husband is in his early 90's.

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LOL--dont worry about the typos! I make typing mistakes all time. Thank goodness for the "edit" button. It does sound like you have a good bird there. I wish you lots of love and happiness together. To be honest, you seem to be making very fast progress with Willie. I'm getting a baby grey female in about 3 months. I can't wait for the adventure to begin.

Edited by JeffNOK
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You are wonderful to even take this birdie into your home - good for you. We find that our AG is happy most of the time, and we feel that part is due to having so many toys to play with and lots of attention. We rotate them periodically to keep him busy. We even got leather shoe strings, braided them and tied them to a pirch - he loves it. He has a play area with a java tree on top of the cage too. We only put him in the cage when he goes to bed or we are going out. He goes in and out at will and is a very happy bird. He only says about 8-10 things so far and he is three. He loves the challenge of getting unsalted peanuts out of the fledging toy. Now, don't get me wrong - he will let us know when he doesn't want to be bothered. Good luck with your bird, and I'm sure he thanks you in his little birdie way for giving him a good home.

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Hello Kaldi and welcome to our family and congrats on giving Willie a new forever home.

He sounds like a real sweetheart and you are doing fine with him, you must have done your homework and I see great things in both of your futures as he settles into his home and your heart, can't wait to see some pics of Willie.

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Thanks!! I've read through several threads throughout the site, wonderful info! I'm glad I registered.


As far as pictures go, I have to find a photo site to post my pics to, then get them on here. In the meantime though, I'll try posting my Facebook link so you guys can see my little plethora of fuzzy and feathered friends including Willie! ;)




Hope that link works!

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