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Update on Pancho


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Pancho has been with us now about two months. He continues to get more beautiful and healthy-looking day-by-day. He had his shower today, and when he spread his wings, I was astonished by how brightly colored his red feathers are. Before, they looked kind of dingy and ragged, and now they are smooth and an amazing color! He LOVES showers and immediately unfolds his wings when hit with water, accompanied by a excited clucking sound. The nice thing is Brutus, CAG, (who has ALWAYS hated showers) has started to mimic Pancho's wing-unfolding. Maybe soon, Brutus will start to enjoy showers too.

Pancho has also started talking and whistling more. When we come home we are always greeted with a cheery and enthusiastic, "hello" that sounds just like a little girl. He was practicing whistling the other day and saying some new things. It seems he is imitating me. He definitely is a man's bird, but he trusts me. I believe we have an agreement that I will take good care of him and he will trust me enough to be obedient and sweet. My husband really makes his eyes pin and Pancho is uplifted by his presence. Hubby can even pet him now if he is careful. Lately though, he stretches and pins his eyes a bit for me too. Nice! I am very happy with how things are going for him. The other day he flapped his wings wildly which was new for him. It made me feel he has more energy and a zest for life that he has not displayed before.

Edited by chezron
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