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in Memoriam


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" ... I think it's going to be a horrible number. "

Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Press Conference September 11 2001



Half a generation later, people around the world continue to suffer because a relative few chose to become something less than human. We will never really know the number of casualties caused by those few hours, ten years ago.


But today, we can do something extraordinary. We can choose to be humane and mourn the staggering number of victims from that horrific act of violence no matter who they are or where. We can try again to make peace with the past to create hope for the future.


I wish this generation can finally heal, not only from the wounds of September 11, 2001, but the global wave of violence & war. Like so very many before me, I wish this generation will finally find peace.

Edited by birdhouse
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One person at a time, one minute at a time, we can have peace. Any little gesture is the start. We can not choose how others will act, only how we respond and I choose not to gratify them but to live according to my own compass, to do what is right and quietly light my candle of peace.

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