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Kookie & Coucou loving each other


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Im having Coucou, my brothers grey over since few days. Normally Kookie loves to go play with Coucou, but Coucou always attacks him, so I keep them separated.

Now as far as I know Coucou is a male parrot, thats what the shop owner told my bro few years ago when he got him. Kookie is also a male parrot, this was verified through a DNA test.

Yesterday and suddenly Coucou DSC_5558.jpguddles and soon they were preening each other and cuddling. Ive taken few pics of them.

Now the question is could Coucou be a DSC_5534.jpgfemale or is it normal for male greys to do this. Im posting some pics of them and I would like to have some members opinions.




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It certainly looks like they're having a good time together. I hope it lasts for everyone's sake. But you might want to keep an eye on them, just in case the new found love fest is a temporary thing.


Guess it could certainly be a possibility that Coucou is a female. I honestly don't know if that could be the only answer, though.

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That certainly is an interesting question. I believe the only way you will really know is if CouCou is also DNA tested. Perhaps Dave007 who is a breeder will have the correct answer for you. By the way Rana, whose are some really cute pictures!

Edited by luvparrots
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Thanks everybody for your replies. Its so funny how both Kookie and Coucou are communicating. They are responding to each others whistles and words, as if they are answering each other. Its so funny.

Last night they sat on the same play tree perch and played with the same toy with some cuddling but no regurigating for each other.

I read by most members' posts that their greys normally ignore each other. Those two are building a relationship as it looks. Love to hear some feedback :D

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Yes Shania, breeder birds do usually shun the attention of their owners, they want privacy for they are bonded to one another and not to a human.

This is so adorable of these two greys responding to one another but like others have cautioned I would keep a good watch out when they are together for it only takes a second for something bad to happen, love the pictures though Rana.

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So another day passes and the 2 still seem like good friends. One cant wait to get out of his cage to fly to the other. They are blowing kisses all the time and complete each others sentences...very cute, but they are getting very loud as well, as if they are in a whisteling competitions....who can sceam and whistle louder.

Kookie still wants me to play with him and is still seeking my attention. This means that even though he connected to coucou, he hasnt lost interest in me. He still calls me all the time and fliy over to where Im sitting. He is even a bit jealous of Coucou, so Im making sure he gets things first.

Thanks Judy, Luvparrots & birdhouse for your advice. I never let them out of my sight whenever they are out together. Im afraid one might jolt the other or hurt him.


Still trying to read and find out if 2 male greys can develop friendship and get attached to each other. Cos if not, then either Coucou is a girl, or gay...

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