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Does anyone know why my little Gypsy digs?


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Hello, haven't been here for a while, but Gypsy and I are doing great. She has gotten potty training down packed. She doesn't like to be in her cage and spends most of the day on the window sill.


When ever she is in the cage she goes to one corner and begins to dig with one foot. She used to do this when she would sleep in the box I had for her when she was younger. Does anyone know why she does this?

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Like Judy said, it's pretty normal. Digging is a foraging & nesting practice in the wild. It can be part of courting rituals, too. Some domestic birds will translate that into a useful tool for getting attention from the rest of the flock.


Glad to hear you guys are doing so well. Got any pictures or stories to share?

Edited by birdhouse
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Oh she has a bit of a temper. If she doesn't want to be touched or moved she will definitely let you know it. My kids say they are gonna teach her how to say, "watch out cause I'm PMSing, I will bite"...lol. She already flies pretty well. She doesn't really like the harness all that well, but I think its because it fits her a little big. I think (well I hope) once she is fully weaned and gains some weight that she will not fuss with it so much. Yesterday I was cleaning her cage outside and I took her harness off and put her in the cage outside while I finished putting all her toys back in the cage and she was standing on one of the perches comfy as can be and just soaking in the sun and the breeze, when my oldest son put his hand in to pet her and she let out a scream and bit him. My younger son which plays more often with her said to him, "watch she wont bite me, thats cause you dont play with her enough". Once he got near her there went the beak to the finger...lol. She must of really bit him because he was mad. I still laugh now because my oldest son was laughing so hard. I kept telling them she is confortable there leave her alone, but they didn't listen. Usually when she doesn't want to be picked up she will put her head down for a tickle, but she didnt even do that. It was like leave me alone.



I love her so much. I am enjoying her so much - temper and all. Her and I have an understanding and she never even attempts to bite me. She bites me and in the cage she goes so she never even tries it with me anymore. She seems to be pretty smart. I only took her to her cage 3 times and the biting stopped. She seems to like females more than males, although she gets along with both my boys.


lol...Right now I am in my office typing this and she wanted a tickle, she went all the way to the keyboard and stuck her head under my thumb and when I kept ignoring her she softly bit my thumb and start her temper tantum where she moves her head up and down and all around like some crazy bird. I'm enjoying her so much.


She loves her veggies although she wont eat them unless I give them to her. We are starting to experiment with other foods and I plan on making her some of the recipes from the forum. LOL LOL she keeps wanting more tickle and keeps picking at my finger and trying to get under them.


I love her so much. I will try to post some pic later. I'm gonna go take her to her cage cause she is falling asleep.


I wanted to thank everyone here who has helped me with my questions and troubles along the way. :)

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