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Magna Double Yellow Headed Amazon


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Hello, Im sorry to say that my MBS has been extremly strong lately. Ive found a re-home/rescue that's been taunting my thoughts. Its a "Magna DYH amazon" and I am torn on what to do.


The owner says its about 11 years old, and was a breeder bird. He cannot touch it due to the bird being very moody, and a biter. The pics Ive seen are gorgeous, and supposedly the parrot sings and talks a lot.


My problem is that I should just be happy with what I have, (my CAG and my rainbow lorikeet which are excellent companions) so I shouldn't be thinking about getting a new fid at this time.

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The real problem is my urge to "rescue" this bird and give it a better home, and the extra low price tag (which I shouldnt even contemplate spending) is teasing me, its like I found such a great deal, and Id be a fool not to jump on it.

Its actually outrageous, hes practically giving it away with the purchase of the cage at the low low price of $350.



He says its in perfect health, but what if its sick, or who knows whats wrong with it, you know?



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oh he is very cute & I can understand your urge, but you have to be really sure that u have time and place for him. Also the question of health is really important. Perhaps if u decide to get him, you should take him to the vet just to be sure as you dont want to bring a desease to your home.


I guess its a tough call and you have to think this over before you decide. In anyway please keep us posted :D

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Cupid I was reading your post and I know you would like to rescue this good looking zon and give it a loveing home and make it a pet, but a breeding male could be a hand full.

If this zon was used for breeding he may never come around to be a pet. He is beautiful and I can see how you would want him.

The man wants to sell or trade the zon. I would think the man never spent much time with this zon so wild might be an understatement.

Just think long and hard on this.

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Thanks Ray, theres no need to think about it any longer. I cannot take on this responsibility now, *emotionally and financially* although the thought of having this addition to my flock excites me, the reality is that at the moment I do have my hands full and I am content to be happy with what I have. Although, Im sure that IF I would've attempted to tame this bird and make him my companion, I could've been successful, but Im not even going to try.


Today for lunch break from work, I went home, held and played with my fids for a while, and as I caressed my gentle Aristotle, I realized that I could'nt put my birds on the backburner, or take away any of the precious time that I do devote to them.


In the future, when I have a larger home with a bird room, and I do not work such long hours or have to go to school, I will add a zon to my flock. I can admit that it was infatuation at first site, as I find the DYH zon to be so beautiful, and the clarity of the voice and joyful songs that I've heard them to be capable of (from Youtube videos) will be filling the halls of my home one day.


Thanks for all your greyt advice. This is why I love GreyForums...

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Cupid, wise choice at this time in your life. The day will come when you are ready and the perfect addition to your flock will enter your home. Best of luck. I understand how you felt, the thought of a new bird can sometimes over take your good senses....

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I am, however, going to research all I can about this breed so that I can be ready when my time comes. Besides going through the diffrent threads which I will do anyhow,any special considerations to make concerning the amazon species that I should consider?

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That's a GREAT idea! The only species I know is the yellow crowned one which is what Nilah is. She is the BEST! a far better talker, fun loving, sweet, cuddly, but she does have that amazon "I WILL DO WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT, AND I WILL BITE YOU" when SHE decides to use it...:)

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I think when the time is right you will know it and I have to commend you for realizing it might not be the best thing right now, after all the birds you have now must come first but do the research to make sure you can give one of these creatures a good home, if it is meant to be it will happen.

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