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Red Palm v Coconut v Hemp oil


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I'm about to try my first experiment w/Red Palm oil. I have been a little reluctant to feed it because of its fat content. Eclectus can tend to weight problems which can be tricky because of how they internalize fat. So I really limit or avoid many high fat & sugar content foods so everyone can be pretty much on the same healthy diet.


But everything in moderation. Red Palm fruit is a natural part of an AG diet. The oil seems to have some general nutritional benefits. I found some on sale.:) I thought I'd give it a try.


I wanted to go back thru the forum threads to read everyone's opinions & experiences. But because the forum search engine is still fubar, I made a Google search for "greyfourms red palm oil" which returned RPO info from a number of other sources as well. I found this & thought it was very interesting





I was really hoping to hear from our members about their experiences & thoughts on these different oils & their opinions about the benefits &/or drawbacks.

Edited by birdhouse
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My birds are both from the African continent and both would eat the red palm fruit in the wild. I keep in mind that our birds are only one generation off from the wild and if they evolved eating the red palm fruit, it may have some essential element so I put a tiny amount in the bean mix I cook for them. Java's breed is from Tanzania, Ethiopia region and they are known to fly a thousand miles for figs, so I also give her figs as I can find them fresh. It could all be a matter of convenience and availability in the wild, but it could be something genetic. Since I can't get the red palm fruit for them, the oil is the next best thing. A small bottle, maybe 8 ounces lasts two birds for more than six months, and a great deal of that goes to waste because they only eat half or less of the one-third cup of beans they are offered daily. Our vet has recommended the red palm oil and our breeder has as well. My parrots pick at vegetables, eat some, but go for the beans, rice, grains with the red palm oil as if they were starving every time it is offered warm to them.

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My birds love their red palm oil. At first they weren't too keen on it, but I just mixed in with every meal for about two weeks and now they go nuts for it. I can get them to eat anything when the palm oil is mixed in. I use only enough to coat their food - about 1/4 teaspoon and give it to them with dinner every other day or so. I am also convinced that it has huge health benefits for them, especially because it's part of their natural diet. When they get it regularly they are much less moody and their feathers are always silvery bright and deep red, and their feet have nice shiny black scales. I just have to be good and make them wipe their beaks after dinner or else my clothes will have stains! :)

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