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Ray P

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I have just gone back and reread all the sticky`s in the amazon room. I have not read them in awhile.

So many of them were started by our good friend Jayd (get well soon) and a lot of my knolage comes from the sticky`s and our back and forth post over the past year that I have been a member. I know that I miss his post and I look at Jay as a friend one of many that I have made here and to keep his hard work and the work of Talon, Dave007, danmcq, and luvparrots. Amazon Room mods. going.

so How did you get your zon, was it planed or like in my case dropped in your lap, was it a rehome or a baby, from a breader, pet store or like in my case an outlaw I mean inlaw. I would just like to know because a zon was never in my plan, but I got one anyhow.(would never give her up)

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I don't have a zon.... yet. LOL I keep coming in here to read about them. After I lost my first baby grey, I stood for a long long time watching a young female amazon climbing, playing, swinging, just a gregarious little bundle of joy and energy. My heart was still with having an African grey, but someday maybe an amazon will find me too.

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Ooohhh! Great topic! I NEVER planned on getting an amazon. I had heard tooo many horror stories about them.....they were mean, they bite, they had a tendency to be fat and very special diet, are moody, dominate, uncontrollable, noisy, screamers, and very difficult to handle, only an very experienced bird handler would be able to handle one.


I made an overnight trip to Bird of Paradise in NJ, (about a 4 1/2 hour drive from my house. I took 2 of my kids, my boyfriend and we drove down 1 night, stayed over, spent the day in the pet store (they have over 40,000 toys) YES< we spent the day!! Bought lots of things, a BIG tree stand, food, lots and lots of toys!!!! They have rooms of birds, a living room type area where you can spend time with any bird as much as you want. Many of their birds are not caged, they are in areas that have a small wall of plexi glass, you can pick up the bird you want to and spend time playing/talking with it to see how you 2 get along. I had alreadt told my kids...NO MORE BIRDS!!! WE HAD 2 GREYS & 2 PARAKEETS ALREADY!


They kept coming over to me with various birds, showing me how cute they were and how perfect they would be, how my 12 year old needed his own bird, how he"d take care of whatever smaller bird we got...(Ya right!) well, they kept picking up this cute little amazon and bringing her to me, they would carry her around the store, keep returning to show me how cute she was. When I started to soften, I asked what kind of bird it was...(didn't have a clue) and how much it cost...I was told $1200! I said, NO WAY!!! II had hundreds of $$ in toys etc already in my cart! They kept trying to sweetly convince me we NEEDED her, she was SO CUTE! Finally I looked at her, made a raspberry sound to her 3 times only.......she immediately made the exact same sound back to me!! I beamed and said She's a keeper, SOLD! She's coming home with us! I paid for her with my charge card...:)

We drove her home... I began to try and research Amazons on the internet, couldn't find much, so decided to start up this amazon room since many members here had amazons & greys. I have learned so much here from everyone, all I can say is THANK YOU!!!!!!

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MOST IMPORTANTLY.....I FORGOT TO ADD; Bringing Nilah home was the best thing I ever did...there is nothing like having an amazon in your family..they are so different than greys, I find Nilah to be way smarter in her talking abilities, her cuddles....her bonding with me.....it's like nothing I have ever experienced. And I have owned many different types of pets over the years, from horses, dogs, cats, various rats, hamsters, mice, etc. even very different than owning a grey. :)

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Yes I agree with a zon being differant than a grey. Cricket walks to the beat of her own drummer, but as differant as they are I see a lot of the same thing in both of them.

When I think back on how I almost did not take her I would have missed out on an important part of my life and that makes me love her all the more.

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I have an opportunity now to get a "magna" DYH amazon. Its a challenge because the owner said it was a breeder bird, and a moody biter, but its just so beautiful and alledgedly a great singer/talker.


Not sure what to do.


id appreciate any and all advice.

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