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My 3 parrots for some reason all have claws like needles.I can't stand to have them on me...it's so painful. They all have various nail trimming perches, but for some reason, this is the worst they have been. Don't really want to go to the vet for just this, any suggestions about a bird nail dremel?

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Dremels are good but you definitely need a second person who's not afraid to hold the bird when it's wrapped in a towel. Wrap the bird in the towel having feet extended. Make sure head is sticking out. The person who knows how to use the dremel should do the filing with the other person holding the bird. Normally, a bird will immediately tighten up it's claws making them hard to get to so have a thick item such a perch or pencil nearby. The item doesn't have to be any thicker than a marking pen. So, hold the item and let the bird clamp down on it. They won't let go. Doing this keeps the claws partially open allowing the person to file the nails. Just make them blunt. Just blunting them won't leave the bird with any traumatic after effects. Expect the bird to squawk alot.


PS---have the bird laying on it's back when doing this. More than likely, the bird will wind up biting at the towel that's nearest to his beak.


After finishing, tell the bird ''Good Boy'' and give a favorite tidbit after going to the cage. The more the whole process is done, the easier it gets for the person and also the bird.


This whole process is also used when a person wants to clip the tips of the claws.

Edited by Dave007
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I'm not crazy about the dremel, but I've had very good luck clipping the fid's nails w/a human nail clipper. Kura will even sit on the shower perch & just let me do it. Thank goodness, because her's get sharpest the fastest.


Totally in agreement w/Dave about it being a 2 person operation, though. At least originally. You can do it by yourself once you get comfortable, but probably not something you'd like to try right off.


Maybe I've been lucky, but I've only had one miss in all this time, w/all my birds. But you might want also want to get the cornstarch handy before you get started.

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I have never used a dremel on a bird...I know to only take the sharp needle tip of of their claw so it is a bit more blunt, but what kind of dremel would you recommend? Thanks for the How to instructions...very helpful! I imagine the noise of the dremel would freak my greys out...:(

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I am quite relieved to hear this is supposed to be a two-person operation. I thought it was my bifocals giving me such a hard time when I tried clipping nails. One thing I did notice recently while traveling is that Gilbert's nails were much more needle sharp than usual. Then I noted that his special little concrete perch had gotten smooth feeling. I guess being in a travel cage and that being his only sanding perch, he was wiping his beak on it so much it wasn't as effective as usual. I used a toothbrush and warm water to clean it out and soon his nails were back to a tolerable level of sharpness. It made me wonder if these perches wear down or wear out..

Edited by katana600
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We do not attempt to trim the claws of our parrot - we take him to the vet because usually by this time the beak also needs trimming as well. We had his nails done about 3 weeks ago, and about a week now we have noticed he is constantly pulling at his nails, first one foot, then the other. I put a call into the vet about this, but do any of you experienced, seasoned parrot owners know what could be the problem? We have never seen him do this before - he is eating and seems happy otherwise. We have checked his feet and they look good. Thanks for your ideas if you have any at all from your experiences.

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My 3 parrots for some reason all have claws like needles.I can't stand to have them on me...it's so painful. They all have various nail trimming perches, but for some reason, this is the worst they have been. Don't really want to go to the vet for just this, any suggestions about a bird nail dremel?


I have one of those Pet-Pedi's or something of the sort. However, it scared Isaac. And Isaac also has nails like needles. The event I have to go through in order clip his nails is one hell of a thing. Trying to wrestle him down with one hand and clip with the other is a MAJOR pain. Literally...I will take a serious bite if he can get at me.


It's finding that second person who is willing to hold him that I cannot seem to get. Are there any for hire???

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