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How does your bird talk?


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Does your bird talk with there feathers normal? Or can they be fluffed out?


Jasper has been going NUTS on Pistachios. He LOVES them. Asks for them 20 times a hour while he's being talkative. One day, I went to get him from the bathroom and he fluffed up, pined his eyes to where they were specks and said, want pistachio?


The thought that went through my mind was, pistachio's is like crack to him!


I guess I never really thought they could be fluffed up and talk... So, I thought I'd ask about it!

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LOL! Now that I think about it, I probably did piss him off!!! I don't give him one every time he asks (otherwise...well, you know!) and he had been asking for one for about a hour and I hadn't given him one yet... he was probably fed up and was willing to do about anything to get his talon's on a pistachio!


We get our pistachios from the bird store (unsalted raw) but where do you get them? I would...no, need to get order bulk!

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both of our girls will talk fluffed up and normal, even slicked down. when they have something to say, they just say it. i figure the feathers are the equivalent of "emotions" or their "version" of our facial expressions, lol! athena loves pistachios and most other nuts, kallie only likes peanuts.

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Right now my little baby is amazing me already! He chatters up a storm! I can't understand anything that he is saying but he is definitely using human inflection in his chatter. I have a feeling he is going to be a talker. If he never moved beyond his "chatter, chatter, chatter" that I hear right now, I would be a happy camper!

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Phenix used to talk in my voice, but he's had his own voice for many, many years. Still has my laugh, though. And he sounds like me when he wants to get the dog's attention.


He talks fluffed up too, sometimes. Most of the time he's excited when he does that. Often, uncomfortable. When he's nervous but not actually afraid, he'll talk & talk in a way that's very different from his normal happy chatter. And he will be a little fluffed while he does.


My guys all love every kind of nut (including the dog btw)! Phenix came to me w/a peanut addiction. We don't do any peanuts any more. Just peanut butter once in a great while.


Everyone knows I have a particular tin I keep the nuts in. When I walk into the room w/it in my hand, all the fids stop everything, go straight into their cages & wait impatiently. It's obviously my favorite bedtime bribery!!

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For some unknown reason, I have never thought of giving our parrots pistachios either. Now I will be on a quest to find the unsalted ones and give that a try. I love anything that makes them so interested. So far, Gilbert likes almonds in the shell and he calls every kind of tidbit a cracker. I haven't seen him fluff up or pin his eyes when he talks, but hey, maybe that is because I haven't offered him a pistachio. LOL. Thanks for the great idea.

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Dayo loves Pistachios!


In regards the feather fluffing wit eyes pinned. It sounds like he was agitated. Dayo will Talk, whistle, beatbox and do sound effects with feathers fluffed at times. They will fluff their feathers when they are pissed, relaxed or in a "Love Mood". You just need to learn which it is or a nip may be coming. after time you'll know. :)

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Thanks for the responses everyone!!! Jasper used to love almonds. If you give him one now, he'll throw it down and ask for a pistachio.


I really do think he was pissed. He had been asking for one for over a hour... So, I've started telling him no when I'm not going to give him one or yes when I do give him one. There is not often that I can surprise him with one (I did this morning though!) I'm hoping he'll pick up what the 'no' and 'yes' means soon :)


Dan, I knew after that incident if I didn't give him a pistachio, I would probably have gotten bit! His voice even sounded pissy. I wish I could have caught it on video.

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