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He ate my keys off my keyboard!!


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Sully is fully flighted... thanks to this recent molt...


As a result, He flew across the room to my laptop, and before I realized, popped two of my keys off, and CHOMPED them! Not much left besides tiny pieces...


yikes. This was after he flew to Romeo's cage to try and bite him, and after he flew after his favorite kitty....

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LOL...I have lost a total of 3 keyboard due to this (4 if you include my Droid 2 phone). They love to pop those keys off. I have stuck to having a keyboard with a few missing keys cause seeing a new one get pecked at just does nothing good for me. It's funny in retrospect.

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You are all giving me ideas for when (and if) Gilbert becomes flighted. For Java I bent a piece of plexiglass to make a little arc over my keyboard and I propped it up to get my hands under it when I used my laptop. Gilbert can reach a greater distance than Java so maybe I can bend a cage grate divider to put my whole laptop inside a cage so to speak and have a hinged door where I can put my hands in. I will start working on that before I need it.

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