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Hi fellow bird lovers.

Im here talking about my 10 year old grey,jess,again.We got jess about 3/4 weeks ago,she is a fantastic addition to our house,what i want to ask is,last week i drank some coke,it was gassy,so you know what happened,a little wind popped out,jess heard it,and copied it straight away,been doing it since,so why that and takes so much longer to copy other things?I think jess is a rebel.;)With jess being 10,she isnt to old to pick up new words is she?as i have said before,her previous owners didnt have much interaction with her.Many thanks my fellow bird lovers for letting me leave a long post.:D

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I don't believe there's ever a point where they stop learning new words. It's fascinating what noises and sounds they pick up but I believe it's purely interest based. My grey Bob heard the sounds of a "Trouble" game once (the plastic pop) and does it all the time now but other things he just wont repeat. But I remember when he heard the Trouble game he was so intently watching and listening I wasn't surprised to be hearing it the next day!

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:oI totally feel for you as my grey does the same thing, they pick up what they like hearing and now my Josey does that from time to time, the thing to do when she does that is not to pay her any mind for if you laugh at it or give her any response that she likes she will keep doing it for her amusement. I have heard Josey do burps, sneezes, coughs and of course the dreaded fart but we all do it from time to time. My famous line is "it feels better out than in" :rolleyes: Heh heh
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My bird just blurted out the "emergency broadcast system test beep/screech/noise" today. With the storms in the atmosphere, the local classical radio station had been testing the system, and this morning, I had the pleasant surprise of the "test". I love my grey!

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Lol, this is a funny thread. Biscotti really likes to make the raspberry sound & always says "who did that?" after making it! Usually he will then add a p.u.!! Funniest is that he won't talk in front of company, but he will do the raspberry sound!! Of course that gets a laugh, so I will have a farting parrot forever! :D

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Now Aristotle is tricking my father in law into believing his cell phone is ringing, the bird loves it, and the old man does too. Hes just visiting, and a call came in, afterward Aristotles had a ball making him reach for his pocket.

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For some reason, when I sneeze it comes out as a loud, high pitched squeak. Shelby has been copying that.


Also....don't keep your birds in the bedroom, if you know what I'm saying. That was an awkward thing to explain to visitors!


So funny. . . lol

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