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Will he quit it?


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Hello everyone!


My 3 and half years old African Grey Congo (Cricri) is driving me nuts lately,

he is in a mating mood all the time, he would not focus and its interrupting my training with him..

he doesn't seem to let go of my fingers and he would want to feed me all the time,

just yesterday he figured where is my mouth is and jumped on me to feed me beak to mouth lol

He is being like this for the past 2 weeks and I really don't know what to do with him anymore,

we used to spend hours preening him but now all he wanna do is feed me and flirt with me,

how can I make him quit it?

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At 3 1/2 years old he is not sexually mature but that doesn't mean he isn't feeling some hormones raging and your preening sessions are sexual in nature as that is what mates would do for each other, certain areas of his body needs to be off limits now, down the back, under the wings and anywhere around the tail area, basically just the head and neck should be touched by you now or it will sexually excite him and you don't want that. If you keep getting him stimulated only to not satisfy him then he will bite you for he doesn't want it to stop.

When he gets into these moods just tell him "no thanks" and try distracting him to something else, get his mind going into another direction, give him a new toy but you don't want to continue to get him aroused only to get disappointed, you know how that is don't you.

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Thanks for your reply.

I don't usually touch anywhere else than the head, preen his head only,

and always play with him and give him toys and distract him to doing something else,

but when it's time to relax he will just beg and beg for attention and when he find my hand

he will just vomit on it like it want to feed me, I don't even try to touch his beak

so he won't think I want to get fed, but yeah, I guess I need to discipline him some how..

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Hi.Not wanting to be an alarmist,judygram gave me the same advice.We took in a 10 year grey,she had very little contact with her previous owners,i came along,spending so much time with her,i was having the same problem.judygram told me to try and take her mind off getting fruity,so i introduced my amazon ,jasper,which worked,so far so good.You have lots to look forward to,with your grey only being 3 and a half.my jess still likes cuddles,but she only gets it when shes is sleepy,about 8 ish.So far so good.Good luck .;)

Edited by Stevie
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Hi Steive, my baby is 3 only but I have a 6 yrs old timneh and a cockatoo that I grew up with, I did have my share with the other birds but not like this boy he is driving me nuts to be honest. I've been with another grey since I was 11 yrs old and he was not behaving this way either.. I am familiar with birds since a very young age and I know their body language quite well, but this one is just over doing it, I was hoping this will be just a phase and will go but it's been this way for a while now.. I'll try the ignoring thing but last time I did he rolled a vomit over my lap lol it wasn't so nice of him..

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