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My husband and I are the proud owners of Taco, an African Grey. She is 2 1/2 years old and happy and healthy. She sings, whistles, talks and plays. When we put her in her cage at night and cover her, she becomes silent - all night. Last night, she was extremely active - swinging on her rope (with a very loud bell), ringing the other toys, singing, etc. Worried, I got up a few times - even took her out of the cage once. She did the "happy bird butt" dance and the "happy bird head bobbing" thing but was so active, we are concerned. Is there an age or time period where Taco just won't want to sleep? Or should we be concerned? She was "normal" this morning.


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Hi Lauren, I really can't see what you are concerned about. Sounds like Taco was just expressing herself and was full of vinegar. I have 3 1/2 year old BF zon, who at times tries to destroy his boing and bell, he is so animated. My grey, Ana Grey, will talk up a storm in the dark at night sometimes or perhaps early in the morning, it always makes me smile to know they are so happy and healthy and just having fun. How long have you been Taco's parront? We would love to see some pictures or video of Taco having fun!

Edited by luvparrots
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I think she is just throwing you a curve to see what you will do with it and you failed the test, you should have just ignored her so she would settle down for sleep, they are smart enough to trick us like that and you fell for it hook, line and sinker. They will always need their sleep and I bet she gets hers but she was just trying you so nothing to worry about.

I would love to see some pics of Taco and that is an interesting name for a grey.

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Oh great! You guys confirmed what I was afraid of - Taco played the "let's see how many times mommy will come if I make noise in the middle of the night" game! She's always been such a quiet one at night!

We've been Taco's parronts for her entire life - waited for her to hatch, then went to the pet store every day to feed formula while being weaned. We will post pix as soon as possible!

Thanks so much - I've been at work worrying all day.

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