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It is said

Ray P

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1. It is said that Amazons can be nippy. As can a Grey.

2. It is said that Zons can be one person birds. As can a Grey.

3. It is said that Zons can be hormonal. As can a Grey.

4. It is said that Zons can be loveable. As can a Grey.

5. It is said that Zons can be stand offish As can a Grey.

The list can go on and on for two birds that come from differant parts of the world that are so differant and yet so much alike.

Yes they are differant in the way they live, eat and or weather they mix with other birds or just with in their own flock. They each are their own, but they are birds and they love to fly.

The Amazon Room fit`s in with the Grey Forum because Amazons and African Greys are both smart, They are both good talkers, and they are both very differand and both very much alike and both are about the same size

What if we took the time to list how they are the same and how they differ from each other. I would bet each persons list would be about the same and that the Amazons room belong in the Grey Forum.

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Hi Ray, I agree wholeheartedly! And as I've said in the past...the Amazon Room deserves a play here at Greyforums because I have an amazon, and I felt after all the free time I put in here running this forum....I deserve to have my own way at least once!! HEE HEE!

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