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I'm scared....


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I've been reading all the info on here due to the hurricane.


I live in Staten Island, New York, about two miles from the coast. I am sitting here trying desperately to think of what to do for my birds. I have five gallons set aside for them, and I have enough food for both, but what if my house gets torn up?


I have two carriers, but neither are very big. I feel completely under-prepared and overwhelmed. There are shelters set up in different areas for people to take their animals during the hurricane, but they closed public transportation at noon and I don't drive!


Sorry, I'm not asking for advice or anything, I'm just sort of freaked out and needed to vent. I feel like an awful birdie mommy.

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If you think that it's mostly noise, it's not so scary. Yes, things can & do happen in hurricanes. But you do the best you can to find the safest place possible. Then find the safest place wherever you are (like away from the windows). Then, and I know this is old school, find some good food & a book or deck of cards. I've actually slept thru every hurricane so far.


The good news is, what we in the North call hurricanes is nothing compared to what those lucky dogs in the South get... pretty much annually.

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Hopefully it will just be a bunch of noise and water. If you can, get to a friends house with your fids that is closer to the ground (if you live up high).


If you live in a regular house, chances are, you'll be okay. The winds are usually what tears houses up, and by the time it gets to NYC, the winds won't be as bad as they are in NC right now.


Just keep their carriers handy. Smaller spaces are best for nervous birds :)

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