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Emergency Evacuation Kit.


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I was inspired by KimKim to write a list of important things to have ready to go, in case of an emergency... these are just things I could think of that our fids may need, so please feel free to add whatever you feel!

  • Carrying or Travel Cages
  • 2 bottles of water per bird
  • 3-4 days worth of food per bird
  • millet spray
  • Can of veggies (it's better than nothing)
  • Blankets to cover the cage with
  • Vet information INCLUDING any identifying information for your bird (Band No., Markings, pictures)
  • List of bird-friendly hotels in the area

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Also living on the coast with storms that threaten may I make one more suggestion for those who like me may have to bug out - practice your emergency plan with your birds. There will be enough chaos at the time of an actual emergency when you have to evacuate so knowing exactly how you are going to get everything ready and packed into the car will make the move easier on your fids. With 7 large parrots in my home we have practiced packing the emergency cages into the suburban knowing how each will fit and where each will go inside the car and how they will be secured. We have also done this with the birds in their cages so it doesn't scare them if and when the time comes to run for it. After getting every one into the truck, we drive around for a few minutes and go home for a treat. We've done this for the last two years and it's a non-issue now for all of them, knowing that we're all taking a little trip to nowhere and then back home for fun. For those with only one or two that may sound a little ridiculous but when it comes time to actually do this you won't have to figure out these little issues.


Another great idea is to make sure you put a favorite or familiar toy into each birds travel cage so that they have something that is "normal."



Edited by rbpittman
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It sounds like you are prepared if the worst comes to worst, I hope you never have to put it to use but this is exactly what others who live where this is a real possibility should be doing, prepare for the worst and hope for the best, you are an excellent parront Robin.

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I just got back from a stay with my daughter and had to pack up enough of everything for my fids for three days. To my surprise their three travel cages just fit in my jeep, and with my pug included it was a little tight. Got it all packed finally, and am glad to know now how to pack it all in just in case there is an emergency. So I commend you Robin for your emergency practices, having three parrots was very enlightening. Having seven to be responsible for could be overwhelming!

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