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Emergency Plan


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All the earth quakes and bad storms have got me thinking, how would I be able to get Babalu out in case of an emergency? I have leashes by the door for my dogs and/or they would follow us out, but I'm pretty sure Babalu would not step up and get in his carrier. I would really hate to leave him behind (if I had time or a chance to try and get him) if we had another earthquake :( What is everyone else's plan? I guess I could just try and grab him and ignore the bites and stuff him in his carrier:confused::confused:

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I have thought about that. When we get reports of possible tornados overnight I make sure the bird carriers are close to the cage. In that case, we only have to get to the basement but we still have a plan for it. If necessary, I would towel them. Better a little trauma then losing them entirely.

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I keep their carrying cages under their regular cages at all times. I don't have trouble putting them in their carrying cages, for some reason. They're all cool with it. I don't know if the same could be said during an actual emergency though.

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I was watching a segment on the news and they were commenting on the way several species of animals at the zoo reacted to the recent earthquake before it occured. It's possible that during an actual emergency your fids will go willingly into the carrier.

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We keep a bag of food separated from the big bag, for on-the-go emergencies. We also keep their carrying cages under their cages, and bottles of water in the trunk of the car. In addition, we keep blankets in their carrying cages for covering them.


With the hurricane coming up tomorrow, I'm putting together a quick toy bag, just to keep them occupied in the car if we have to evacuate :)


Hope everyone stays safe throughout all this crazy weather!

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We've already had a preview of what it might be like to have to leave during a hurricane. There were 13 cars swamped at the top of the only road out of my neighborhood when we got flooded out last year. That was "just" a cataclysmic rain storm that made it pretty clear that there was no way to know when, where or how long it might take to reach shelter in flood conditions even w/o extreme winds & damages.


So, I'm probably going to let my guys ride out the storm in their travel cages. No harm done if there's no actual need to leave but they'll be one less obstacle if worse comes to worse. It might be better for them to have a safe, confined space while everyone around them is on high energy & things are bouncing off the house, too.


I'm going to buy a cheap tarp, air it outside for the day, then cut it to fit. If it comes to it, we can wrap the carriers using bungee cords. That way, the fids can be moved & everything won't be drenched during our adventures.


Also going to pack a locking, water proof tote w/a couple of weeks of seed & pellets, water, cloth covers, cage paper & wipes, toys, cornstarch, aloe, vinegar & paper towels. That will be in the car w/the other emergency evacuation stuff before the storm gets going.


Hope we have no need for it, but that's the current game plan at our house.


Good Luck everyone. Hope we can all stay safe.

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We just had a tornado in Chesterland Ohio. The tornado was less than 5 miles from my house. I have emergency weather radios in my house that come on when there is a weather emergency so we were able to take cover. It did just miss us but my birds will go into their travel cage with no trouble and we could go to the basement in a hurrry. The birds were mad because I woke them up at 1 A.m. but they got over it .

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Why not put a few toy's in his pet carrier and let him use it a part time play pen then he will like the idea of going there and if it gets bad he will already have needed things there and more willing to just hop in and get carried out to a safer place. just a thought

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Each of my parrots has his/her own travel carrier and my two greys go into theirs easily. Louie, the zon, will not let me touch him but will go back to his cage upon command and will go willing into his carrier if I hold it over the doorway. To them, their carrier means a trip outside into the sunlight and they love the sun. I take them outside two or three times a week so they are use to the carriers and are good little birdies. These carrierrs are stacked in their bird room so they know them easily and are very use to them.

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Because they do like their travel cages, they'll hopefully just see it as having another adventure. Even if we don't leave, I'm hoping this might make the storm easier on them.


Except for Phenix, my guys love to get into their travelers & go anywhere except the vet :) But I'm not going to bank on that if say a tree comes thru the roof. Which is a very real possibility around here.


Having them settled beforehand will also save time if it develops into a situation where minutes can make all the difference.

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Babalu spent the night in his travel carrier, in case we needed to grab and go. Luckily we did not. We had a lot of rain and it was really windy. My husband said everything would be fine, but I was pretty nervous, this was my first hurricane since living in Va, 2nd in my life (had one while I was stationed in Japan).

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