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Pretty sure Sully is chewing his feathers...


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That's what I'm hoping, Judy. I am super paranoid about it. I'll keep an eye on them and see. These are his flight feathers that haven't grown out from being clipped yet, so maybe he's preparing for them to fall out? Yikes.. I dont know. Hopefully more baths will help!

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Once Zak lost all his red feathers on the butt except one (after we were at the vets) and he was molting at the time so when new feathers came out he, for some reason, couldn't wait for them to get out from their keratin thingie so he chew through the Keratine to release the fathers but as a result,he chew the feathers too. His tail looked battered, as he chewed it intentionally but it wasn't the case. I think he was a bit nervous about all new feathers comming out at once so he wanted to speed the process.

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We've been having the same issues with Moussa. How old is Sully? Moussa is about 18 months and going through his first molt.


As his molt started, he began chewing at the clipped flight feathers. (They were kind of beat up to start with, from his energetic flapping.) Now for some time he has been getting new flight feathers, and he seems to want to worry at those, too. These are big blood feathers that keep getting damaged and broken, as there are no existing flight feathers to support them. This has resulted in some minor bleeding -- nothing serious, thank goodness. I was so anxious for him to refledge with his molt, but that's not happening. His flight ability as steadily degraded as this molt has gone on. Now he has a tendency toward crash landings, and of course that is further damaging flight feathers. His tail is also a mess. The molt has gone well on the rest of his body, and other than those flight feathers, he's in fine feather.


We have consulted our vet, and he just recommended keeping him busy, some fresh air and sunshine, and frequent baths.

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Birdnut, Sully is 16 months old. So, they're right about the same age!


Sully is chewing at his flights & his tail is in ROUGH shape. He seems so itchy. I've placed more wood chewie toys in his cage, and he's been tearing them apart. It's getting a little on the messy side (have already gotten a splinter in my hand) but, if it keeps him from chewing, it's well worth it. Ya know, now that you mentioned it, his flying abilities have been declining as well. He did so well for awhile, and he seems so eager, but this molt is taking it's good old time! I'm hoping it ends soon... he's looking kind of rough all over. Little feathers out of place here and there.


All I keep thinking is how much he's itching :( It must feel like when your skin begins to peel after a sunburn, only prickly! :)

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Yes, this molting business has got to be uncomfortable for them. It's definitely a stressful time.


Moussa's body feathers looked rather rough for a while, but now he's looking good in that department. I have to tell you that this molt has been going on for some time. Seems like it's been going on all summer. Moussa has several blood flight feathers coming in right now, and he's been molting coverts. I have read here that this first molt can be a real booger.


Good job on the wood for chewing. I bought a bag full of wood pieces and have been tying to tie them together into new chew toys on a regular basis. I have also been using the Creative Foraging System foraging toy. This toy has cardboard refills with dividers in them that you can stuff. I stuff it full of shredded paper and hide surprises in it, like nuts or carrot sticks or pieces of soft wood to chew. Moussa just l-o-v-e-s this toy. I also have a little stainless steel bucket that hangs on the side of the cage that I put foot toys in to chew and play with. I sometimes wrap the little toys in paper and tie the present up with sisal string, so he has the job of unwrapping it.

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