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Question about Eating & Molting...


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Morning everyone :)


Sully is going through his first major molt. He's itchy and he's got quills EVERYWHERE. He's been slightly aggitated (who wouldn't with things poking you all over) and he's been preening a LOT. My concern, however, is he seems to be eating less, and I'm wondering if that's normal when molting? He's molted a little here and there before, but nothing like this.


I've offered him lots of goodies, warm foods & such, but doesn't seem interested... He's been this way since, mmm... probably late Tuesday. He is eating, just not his normal amount. What do y'all think?

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He probably is uncomfortable if he is going thru a major molt and feeling itchy so maybe more frequent baths will help him, also try using the aloe vera juice to spray him with and try to get him as soaked as possible so it takes a while for him to dry off.

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My Zak is also going through a mayor molt. I never saw him loose this many feathers! I also noticed he is eating a bit less but wants to bath really bad so we bathe.. I'm not worried too much, tho. I'll be just monitoring him for now...

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