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Flight Suits?


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Hello Everyone,


I've been doing some looking around for a harness/leash for my CAG Bob. He's six and as far as I know never worn anything like this. Anyway, he's becoming increasingly more social and I'd like to start taking him places with me but would feel more comfortable with a harness of some sort since he is fully flighted.


I stumbled across Flight Suits and they seem like a wonderful idea (due to the poop catching abilities) but I'm curious how successful they are and how the birds tend to adapt to them. I would worry well A about getting it on him and B how much it'll bother him.....will he pick at it constantly? will he start picking at himself because he doesn't like the feeling?


Any advice is helpful! Or stories of trying them with your own birds?

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******I would worry well A about getting it on him and B how much it'll bother him.....will he pick at it constantly? will he start picking at himself because he doesn't like the feeling?*****


A----There should be instructions

B----It may bother him or not. It all depends upon how a bird accepts it. All birds are individuals. All birds are different from each other. He may like the feeling or he may not. Picking at himself. Different things cause a bird to pick at themselves and a certain item can't definitely be named as the cause. He may or not pick. Picking at the item. More than likely, yes because he's an adult bird and they don't take to harnesses or other body items as well as very young birds. That can happen with any type of harness or diapers.

***** stories of trying them with your own birds?****

There's really no special stories about diapers. It's put on and a person takes the bird around. Afterward, the person washes it, lets it dry. Everything depends upon what will happen when doing it with the bird. An older bird may bite when a person tries putting on any type of harness or diaper. On the other hand the bird may not. Basically, you've gotta try it out and see what happens.

I completely agree with Judy as far as what type to use ( Aiator Harness). It's very versatile and a bird can be taught many things with that item.

Edited by Dave007
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