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furniture saviour


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Hi my feathered friends.

After some research,i mean repairing some furniture which my cag jess found delicious :D,i had a light bulb moment,so off to town i went,got some balloons and put them near her fav perch,the door top,two hours later,the wood still exactly how i left it.Probably a case of she will get over her fear,but for now,no more sanding woodwork.Also can some kind person tell me how long my amazon jasper ,should have her parrot uv light on.put it in today,i thought jasper would freak,but no,out came the sun glasses then the cocktail and she was in heaven.I really dont know the time schedules these lights should be on for.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this long thread,i just love sharing my experiences with you all.:D


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This is a long thread!? Lol

About your furniture preservation technique...don't get to comfortable.. Once I thought I had a parrot proof kitchen counter due to my brilliant method of placing "terrifying" objects on it and I went to the store five minutes from my house and I left Zak out (which I usually really don't do). When I got back, I saw Zak threw two mugs on the floor, one of which was full of tea... So, not only that he wasn't terrified, he actually brought the mugs right on the edge with intention on dropping them on the tiles so they would brake. There is no other explanation because tea wasn't spilled anywhere else. I have no idea how he pulled that one through..

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Hi Steve" You will spend the rest of your life trying to save your woodwork and your furniture when you have a parrot beleve me I know.

We live in a log cabin and our parrots think they died and went to heaven. We have two tiels a congo grey and a blue front zon and when they are out they are supervised.

We don`t want toothpicks for a house

As far as uv lights it depends on time of year for us. In the winter about 4 to 5 hours and less in summer. We have nice summers and cold winters.

As far as the UK I do not know your weather so maby some one else will chime in and let you know. We live in north east Ohio`s snow belt and we get about 10 to 11 feet of snow each year.

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