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Baby eating A LOT!


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Hi Everyone!


First of all, I'd like to mention that I am a newbie here and so I apologize if my question is a little silly!

My family and I just bought our baby african grey home last week and we all love her to bits. She's about 14 weeks old now. I wanted to ask about how much we should feed her. We were told to feed her in the morning and the evening, but through out the day she seems to get hungry and squeals and growls quite loudly, but stops when we give her something to eat.


At the moment, my family and I are at home for the summer so we can feed her, but in two weeks time we will all be at work for 8 hours in the day from 8 till 4, during which we wont be able to feed her on command.


This morning I attempted at giving her food to last her until the evening, which included a mix of seed and pellets (not a lot as I know its fattening for her) and in a separate bowl I gave her a mix of fruit and vegetable. But the problem is, she's eaten most of it already, and it's only been an hour. I'm worried that when we are away that she'll do the same.


I wanted to ask, how do I get her to not eat so much in one go and secondly, how much should I be giving her in the morning?


Thank you to everyone who helps me out in advance!

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You should be able to leave pellets available without the seeds in there. Also, try getting some foraging toys and hiding food in them. Make her work a little harder at getting to the food. My grey would throw as much food in the bottom of the cage as he ate. Someone else here had the same problem and said that they started putting all the pellets inside foraging toys and the amount of food thrown decreased significantly.

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Hi Everyone!


First of all, I'd like to mention that I am a newbie here and so I apologize if my question is a little silly!

My family and I just bought our baby african grey home last week and we all love her to bits. She's about 14 weeks old now. I wanted to ask about how much we should feed her. We were told to feed her in the morning and the evening, but through out the day she seems to get hungry and squeals and growls quite loudly, but stops when we give her something to eat.


At the moment, my family and I are at home for the summer so we can feed her, but in two weeks time we will all be at work for 8 hours in the day from 8 till 4, during which we wont be able to feed her on command.


This morning I attempted at giving her food to last her until the evening, which included a mix of seed and pellets (not a lot as I know its fattening for her) and in a separate bowl I gave her a mix of fruit and vegetable. But the problem is, she's eaten most of it already, and it's only been an hour. I'm worried that when we are away that she'll do the same.


I wanted to ask, how do I get her to not eat so much in one go and secondly, how much should I be giving her in the morning?


Thank you to everyone who helps me out in advance!


"""""""We were told to feed her in the morning and the evening,"""""""


That information you were told is totally wrong but other people have been given that type of false info. Greys and other parrots don't eat the way humans do. In the parrot world, there is no breakfast, lunch or supper. A parrot who is healthy will eat all day long . All types of food you're giving your parrot should be left in the bird's bowl 24/7. The only exception is veggies which will go bad after a few hours and need to be removed. You can't overfeed a grey or most other parrots. Your bird should be allowed to eat all day long and as much as he wants. The time to worry is when your bird won't eat. That means something is wrong. Parrots are wild animals and just like outdoor wild birds, they will eat whenever they want. It doesn't matter if you're gone all day or home all the time---a constant supply of food is absolutely necessary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heya guys, I just want to say a big thank you for your advice. We give her a mix of pellets and fruit in the morning and then after work we come back and check she has enough food, if not, we give her some peas or sweet corn, she loves them.


Thank you once again!

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