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Bravo is starting to talk!


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So Bravo flew over to me and took a big dump on me. I put him in his cage while I changed shirts. I came back and sat on the couch. I heard him say or make the sound like, Uh oh. Shocked, I started wondering if I was just hearing things from him moving around in the cage.


I continued working on my lap top. A few minutes later I heard Bravo, not really talking but more like mumble something. It was recognizable as poor human speech, like trying to talk for the first time and the sound of words had me turn my head real quick to try and understand what was being said. Both times left me happy, shocked and wanting more from Bravo!


Now to the pooping issue. Lately, Bravo will fly over, sit on m or the top of my laptop and take a crap! I swear Bravo will push out any thing juicy just to do it on me or my laptop! So far the poop has hit the screen and has been easy to clean up. I no longer let him sit on the laptop and that's why I have had more juicy poop land on me. WTH?

Edited by kingsnake
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If you make a big deal out of it when he poops on you or on the laptop then maybe that is why he is enjoying doing it there, you know how they love drama, next time just wipe it up without any fuss and see if it happens less and less.

Oh almost forgot the reason for your post, I just wonder what the first word will be when he finally utters it but he sure is practising so it will be good when he gets it just right.

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They usually poop first thing in the morning, so put him where you want him to poop and praise him when he makes his deposit in the right place. Also, name the behavior. Whether it's "poop" or "bombs away" or whatever, they are smart and will begin to put the meaning of the word(s) with the behavior. Positive reinforcement is the way to go (haha).

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I have one of those flat screens for my computer which I have draped with a large kitchen cloth so that any pooping goes onto the towel/cloth. It is large enough that is goes over the wires in the back of the screen. Works for my birdies. I really put it there because they love to "chew on the top of the screen and that is a no on! One or the other of them will sit there and look me in the eye while I'm typing or lean over the screen and watch the typing. I do have another towel that I cover my keyboard with so that they can't "practice" their beak typing with my delicate keyboard. Once burned, lesson learned.

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I have one of those flat screens for my computer which I have draped with a large kitchen cloth so that any pooping goes onto the towel/cloth. It is large enough that is goes over the wires in the back of the screen. Works for my birdies. I really put it there because they love to "chew on the top of the screen and that is a no on! One or the other of them will sit there and look me in the eye while I'm typing or lean over the screen and watch the typing. I do have another towel that I cover my keyboard with so that they can't "practice" their beak typing with my delicate keyboard. Once burned, lesson learned.

Loooool! Can we please see your design?:-D

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Thank you for the picture:-D

I was under the impression that you sewed something for the computer screen from a towel..;-)


PS: actually, the more I watch your picture, I see it is really great!! Magnificent birds!:-)

Edited by Morana
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