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Hello everyone.

I've posted a few threads already, but haven't actually introduced myself.

My name is Ellie, I've had birds since I was little. I made mistakes with some, but otherwise I had a very happy time with them all.

I did extensive research before looking for a Grey. I have unending patience for my birds, that includes Tule. I've recently moved out of my parent's, and live with my long-term boyfriend. Tule is a challenge (so is my boyfriend, haha), but is getting better every day. I love him to bits a pieces.


So far this forum has been helpful, from the few questions I've had and seeing the questions of others. So glad I found this place.


Pronounced Too-lee.




Here's a picture of his cute self. The color on his perch is from the tomatoes/strawberry I gave him today. :] He's messy, and he rubs is beak all over the perch.

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Hello Ellie, so glad you finally introduced yourself and told us some about you and your fids, it always helps to know a little about the members here as that is what makes us more like a family.

Be glad he rubs his beak on the perch as a lot of them will just as easily use our sleeve for the same purpose, the little buggers.

He is a cutie pie all right and thanks for sharing a pic of him with us.

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Tule is two years old. He doesn't say words yet, but he sure is vocal. I'm happy if he's a "quiet" bird or not, because really.. he's not quiet lol.

He still does the "feeding" gesture on my hands, but doesn't make the "honk" sound anymore. He's a crazy picky eater, and I've just started him on fruits/veggies about a month ago. I want to switch him to a pellet diet, but one thing at a time.




Here's a picture I took of him last night while we were out playing. The cage in the background is Leonard the ferret. Last night Tule went up the the cage (Leonard was sleeping), pulled at the bars, clicked, fluffed, and whistled his "attention/annoyed" sound until he woke Leonard up. Lenny didn't even care. He came over for a look, Tule fluffed even more and lunged at him (lol), about a minute later Lenny was bored and went back to bed.


I'm interested, and I searched google with no luck at all. About a week ago I learned that squirrels can have downs syndrome. I just realized, does anyone know if parrots can have such a mental handicap? I don't see why not.


Thanks for the welcomes everyonnne. (:

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