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*fingers crossed*

Guest Netty

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OK guys fingers crossed right now. yesterday i had an interview with a new company, second

interview might be next week.


It seems to have went well so fingers crossed i get the job.... it is seriously 100% my DREAM JOB!!!


The only down fall is i need to re-get my drivers license (I let my G-1 expire, those of you in Canada -specifically Ontario- know the hassle that is >_> )



I'n other bad turned good news: The truck broke down (transmission and cadillac converter went on it >_> ) BUT it was cheaper for us to buy a jeep.

SOOOOO dream job AND dream vehicle.


hopefully this all goes well! LOL


Looks like me and my hubby are FINALLY getting some breaks in life.



Anyways more info on this job... 3 words: PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMER!!!!!!


The company i am looking at working with has me go through initial probation as a bather then completely PAYS for my $10,000 grooming course!



The reason i post this here? Well...

A) its good news

B) I mentioned in the interview that me and my hubby are going to be getting a grey within the next couple years and..... THE STORE MANAGER OWNS ONE!


He had a customer come in wanting to get rid of their grey and took him/her in and gave them a home :D


I think I may very well LOVE working at this place LOL!

SO...... fingers, toes, feet, legs, arms..... EVERYTHING crossed I get the job!

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I have my fingers crossed for you if that will help as it sounds like a good job for someone who loves animals and you can interact with the owner's grey and get some firsthand experience, sounds like a win win situation so much luck to you.

I'll take a Jeep over a truck any day, I have two of them.

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thanks guys :D i'm uber excited I hope I get this job SOO bad... I've been grooming since i was old enough to walk pretty much LOL my grandmother bred bichons frise and I always wanted to groom them when i was little so its not like its just a through high school decided i want to do it thing.


When I was in junior kindergarten the teacher asked us what we wanted to be my answer (while other girls were saying singer, dancer etc) was marine biologist, paleontologist, or dog groomer LOL... this is the same teacher that won't let me live down the gluteous maximus incident from that year when I fell off the slide (bet I was the only 4 year old in the school who knew what that meant ;) lol) she called me her "prodigy pupil" lol


Working as a groomer in college was HEAVEN and i met the poodle pup i got to take home for a couple years till she was ready to breed.


Me and Buffy:



she looks a little shaggy here but yea i kept her well clipped most of the time LOL:





My sister and buffy:



OK she look slike TOTAL CRAP in this picture BUT i had to show it because of the red eye glare LOL tooo funny, buffy and my little brother:



And finally a decent picture of her when she smaller and when she was bigger (college was hell on keeping her looking good LOL)





My grandmothers chow that i groom:



I don't have any other pictures since my netbook finally bit the dust on Tuesday ( RIP netbook) it has everything on it O_o gunna have to get it ghosted so i still have my files....

Edited by Netty
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OK got the call for my next interview! friday @ 4 pm :) gaaaaaawsh waiting kills me it feels like it should be thursday the day has taken so long to pass LOL

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