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Grey v Amazon


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Hi fellow bird fans.

I have had jess my latest feathered friend checked by my vet,all top notch,so my two birds can try and get along,so far they dont get on so well,its only been a few days so long way to go yet.Can some kind people give me some advice,im out of my expertise totally on this one.They seem to be a bit better,maybe wishful thinking.Many thanks bird fans.:confused:

steve ,jess and jasper

jess and jasper 057.jpg

jess and jasper 046.jpg

Edited by Stevie
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Two different birds: I have an African Senegal and a Hahn's macaw. I have had them for 17 years. I've never had them dna sexed but any vet they have ever seen guesses female for both based on pelvic bones. They still do not like each other and will fight whenever one encroaches on the others space.

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I have a 14 year old female Amazon and a 7 month old male Grey. They don't get along. They both seem to be afraid of each other, although neither one is aggressive. On the other hand, the Grey seems to be gaining in confidence as he gets older, and when he wants to sit on the couch behind my head and she's already there, he'll intimidate her into flying away.


I also have a tiny lovebird who rules the roost. He demands whatever he wants, and he isn't intimidated by any of us.

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Probably the best you can hope for is that they will tolerate each other as long as there is some distance between them. My three birds, a grey, a sun conure and tiel do not get along but they tolerate each other as long as one does not tread too closely. I would have liked for them to get along together but that is wishful thinking, I imagine that most of us with multiple birds have this problem to some degree so you have plenty of company in this aspect.

I see in the first pic that they are sharing a perch, you might be better off to keep them on separate ones so there is some distance between them and see how it goes but you are still in the early stages with your new grey.

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I wish you oodles of luck with getting your parrots to all like each other. I have three, a 3-year old BF amazon that I re-homed, , a 3-year old TAG, that I have had since she was 4 months old, and a 5 month old CAG, that I has been in the family for a month and a half. My TAG, the smallest of the lot is very aggressive and rules the roost. My zon, I can't handle but we have an understanding and he follows my verbal direction quite well. He will fight if challenged. Now my baby CAG is the largest and he will stand and fight if anyone of the other two try to take his spot. My TAG just pushes the males around for in her eyes she is Queen and they are her slaves! The funny thing is that in the bird room they do not fight. It is when they are in my office or other parts of the house that they really challenge each other. All are flighted and if I am busy, I just put the youngest in his cage so I know he is safe as he is still very clumsy and was lightly clipped by his breeder. Maybe someday they can live peacefully together. Until then, I just watch them all and play referee all day long.

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I don`t know if my congo grey and my blue front zon like each other, but I do know they have learned how to share the same space when they are out of their cage.

They will even eat off the same plate with no trouble between the two of them.

We have split the food on the plate so each has their own space and they will reach over to steal the others food but they do not fight.

It`s fun to watch Corky strech over to Cricket`s side and at the same time Cricket will strech over to Corky`s side to take each others food as if the other has some thing that they don`t have. Beleve me it`s the same. They think they are so sneaky that it`s really cute to watch.

When they are out they are supervised and it`s not just for there safty, We have a log cabin and we don`t want a pile of tooth picks for a house

That is Corky and Cricket in my avatar



Edited by Ray P
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One thing about Greys (Old world Parrots) only flock togther and avoid all other birds.


Amazons, Macaws and conures (New world Parrots) do share common grounds with each other and tolerate co-mingling of vatious species.


I have a conure that keeps on trying after 4 years to be "Buddies" with my Grey Dayo, Dayo always chases him off.

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I have Beau (CAG) and Morgan (Panama Amazon) and they are great friends. That being said - Beau is a differently abled grey and Morgan is a clown. They do not preen each other, nor do they share food, but they do hang out together with each other on the same cage, playstand, rope door, human. Dixie (CAG) however doesn't socialize with either of the other birds in the flock - she is the queen! Yoshi (TAG) wants to be in the center of everything.


Good luck with getting them to tolerate each other. My expectations were that mine never would, but I was surprised, extreme supervision was and still is required, but it's great fun with them all out at the same time. :)



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I agree with Ray.... I have a tag & cag, both only 2 months apart in age. They do not 'flock' together as Dan states. They tolerate each other...my tag knows she is smaller and would never take on my cag. Mt cag rules as far as they are concerned.

My amazon is 3 1/2 years younger. All 3 of my birds are fully flighted, they are always out together. They will never play with each other, my cag has tried to be friends with my amazon, she puts her head down for scrithes to her at times, but my amazon says NO WAY! They are all very jealous for my attention when I sit on the couch, I always pay attention to all 3 of them as equally as possible. They all get time with me, but the cag and amazon are possessive of me at times. I usually have have a grey on one shoulder and an amazon on the other. They will share in food together when eating at breakfast & dinner, they will hang out with me together, but never will they be best buddies.....I don't believe it is possible with an amazon in the picture....they dominate!


Well, that is my 2 cents worth. As long as they don't fight, I would be very happy that they choose to co-exist as mine do.

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I have Beau (CAG) and Morgan (Panama Amazon) and they are great friends. That being said - Beau is a differently abled grey and Morgan is a clown. They do not preen each other, nor do they share food, but they do hang out together with each other on the same cage, playstand, rope door, human. Dixie (CAG) however doesn't socialize with either of the other birds in the flock - she is the queen! Yoshi (TAG) wants to be in the center of everything.


Good luck with getting them to tolerate each other. My expectations were that mine never would, but I was surprised, extreme supervision was and still is required, but it's great fun with them all out at the same time. :)





WOW Robin...you are so lucky...I wish my 2 were great friends like yours.

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