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Marcus On His New Grapevine Perch


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Marcus has been avoiding his new perch for the past two days, ever since it came in the mail and I rearranged his perches and toys in his cage to fit it in there... I think the hesitation came because he couldn't figure out how to perch on it without whacking his tail into one of the arms of the branch. But tonight when he was climbing down the side of his cage, I asked Marcus if he was going to go on his new perch; and when he paused, I said, "Turn around, it's behind you!" (We've been working on 'turn around' together lately.) And Marcus did turn around, the good boy, and he climbed onto the grapevine to claps and hoorays from his Daddy and myself.


He just looks so cute in this picture, I wanted to share it with everybody. :)



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Nice picture! So it is not a manzanite perch!? Where did you find this? I never saw anything like it (for parrots)


It is a "sandblasted grapevine" perch. I ordered one of the cagetop varieties (complete with treat cups and a toy) for our boys a little while ago--you can see it in my signature picture--and the smaller parrots just adore it! So I wanted to get Marcus a grapevine perch for his cage, too.




I generally order all of my parrot-related products from this store. I have had nothing but AWESOME interactions with them, they have always been fantastic with customer service, and they are very friendly. I don't know if they ship overseas or not (I don't see why they wouldn't), but if they do and you can't find anything locally that is 'grapevine' for Zak and want to get such a perch for him someday, I would highly recommend ordering from here. :)

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