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I am angry!


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I was looking at some online ads a couple of hours ago, and I came across an ad for a grey needing immediate placement.... so naturally, I replied.



This WOMAN emailed me back with a description of this poor 8 month old grey in a LOVEBIRD cage... A FREAKING LOVEBIRD cage... Our conversation went like this:


Me: What kind of diet is he on?

Her: "canned veggies or whateva i got in the cabinets."

Me: Does he eat seed or pellets or anything?

Her: "You mean like outside birds?"

Me: No, like from a bag from the pet store

Her: "Oh! Yeah, we give him sunflower seeds"

Me: Is that all?

Her: "Yeah."

Me: Okay, does he like to be handled?

Her: "yeah, but he don't like me"

Me: Oh? Does he bite or scream or what?

Her: "He bites on my finger"

(I'm assuming he's doing the "hungry baby bird thing")


I continued the conversation with her, and asked how much money she wanted (since that was obviously her only care on the bird- $700.


Anyway, she lived close by so I ran over there... Dirty cage, dirty bird, with the lovebird cage sitting on the floor... Stepped right up onto me, and I gave him some grapes I had brought with me. I'm trying to talk her price down as we speak. I don't want this poor baby to stay with her.:mad:


I'm going to try and find a way to get the money together to be able to pick him up.


uuuughhhhhh. SO MAD.

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Good luck with getting the ransom money, this baby need a good home from the sound of it. I can't figure out, people are willing to pay these high prices for a bird, but not a clue on how to take care of them. No research or nothing I just don't understand it. If you want to through large sums of money away, I'll take it. I always heard from several pet doctors that a grey will do better if kept in a smaller cage for the first year, but I do believe a love bird cage would be a bit small for a grey.

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Well I've had little luck coming up with the money. However, I've been in contact with her, hoping she will lower the price on him.


I did advise her that his cage was too small for him and to please consider buying him a bigger cage, and her response was "Uh uh, I aint puttin no more money out for this bird when I'm 'bout to sell it".



Sigh. I'm not giving up though! I'll update yall when there is something to tell! :) Hopefully I can bring this little guy home, or atleast convince her to take him somewhere he will be safe. She doesn't even want him, I don't understand why she won't just let me take him... I mean, I understand. It's all about the money for her. She's a 20 year old going back to college and wants some cash. >:(

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I totally understand!! There is a Timneh on CL here right now for $900....picture in ad has small ROUND cage, one itty bitty toy and the quote "You can pet him on his head and teach him to talk if you want he is about 2 years old" UGH! I bet the poor thing has hardly been out of the cage.

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Like people have already said why would somebody pay such a large sum of cash on on a bird they clearly don't want? I don't understand it, not one bit! When I got Murphy even though I had previous experience owning an Amazon for 10 years, I still did my research on greys & learnt so much more. I did all this to make sure I could give him the best possible life I could.


I hope you have some luck in rescuing this poor grey before it is psychologically damaged for life.

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This moron of a so called pet person,deserves to get her fingers bitten off,at least the poor bird will get some proper food.Hope you can beat her price down,or just beat her instead. you should take a dog house to her and say ,how would you like to live in something so small.Good luck on getting our feathered friend away .:mad:

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Thanks for the offerings everyone.


I appreciate it, and I'm sure this little birdie would too.

However, I tried to get her down to a reasonable level, but she wouldn't BUDGE. BUT I called her yesterday to see if I could work something out with her, and she told me that someone had come to pick up the little guy. I'm hoping she was telling me the truth. She said a nice lady with a cockatoo came to adopt him, but didn't take the cage (and she tried to sell THAT to me...)


SO hopefully, our little buddy is happy in his new cage with his new people. I am super sad I couldn't be the one to take him, but I'm just glad he got out of the situation.


Thanks, everyone for the care & concern!

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Go through the local dog pound and make a complaint against the person for keeping the bird in such bad and unhealthy conditions then adopt the bird from the animal shelter. Or they may keep the bird but it would be in better hands even if they arent your hands. good luck

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