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Life without my grey.


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You'll know when the time comes. You won't be able to wait to go look (to maybe a parrot rescue centar) one more amazing creature that you will meet. It is not like you are cheating on Murphy or trying to replace him. He has a reserved spot in your heart and in your life, as MarcusCag said. The potentialy new creature will need you and love you in some other way as you will him/her..

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Hi Guys, thank you so much for your warm words & thoughts. What a great bunch of people to be there for me in my times of need & to understand how I feel, more so than even some people close to me. I feel privileged to a part of this forum, never have I known such warmth, especially from people who have never met me in person. I can't thank you all enough.


I've already looked at some parrot rescue centers & thought maybe that is the path I may take in the future. Cash is a problem for us at the moment so no babies & I feel as if I'd like to help other greys as I'm a sucker for a lost soul. I only have space for the one cage so I've thought of offering my services as a temporary parrot foster home to some that are waiting re-home, this way I'm not taking one on permanently but would still have a parrot around & still be able to give Murphy his cage back if/when he comes home. I'm just not sure yet what to do, I do know I definitely want a grey in my life. I'm so missing having one around, I want to go see one so I can alleviate my grey fever. Shame I don't have any local friends around that have a grey, there is one at a local garden centre called Charlie in the outside aviary that I used to stop & have a chat with, I may have to pop out for a chat with Charlie.

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When we had our Direct TV installed, the installer guy was bragging about how he found a grey. He kept it for awhile but didn't like it so he sold it. He made no effort to find the real owner. I'd like to think that all people in this world are decent but unfortunately, some are not. I hope that Murphy finds his way back to you. It is also possible that he can't because someone else has him.

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When we had our Direct TV installed, the installer guy was bragging about how he found a grey. He kept it for awhile but didn't like it so he sold it. He made no effort to find the real owner. I'd like to think that all people in this world are decent but unfortunately, some are not. I hope that Murphy finds his way back to you. It is also possible that he can't because someone else has him.


This has crossed my mind many times!

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Oh Reggie, how I feel for you. Your post keeps bringing fresh tears to my eyes, it has all morning. I logged in today hoping for news of Murphy's return but instead see this and its just brought a giant ache to my heart. You move on, but that hole is still there. I didn't actually lose Yoshi, just had to find her a better home, but at least I know she is loved. I really can't imagine how hard it must be for you and I know you love Murphy. I still really hope you find him somehow...


You definitely miss them. There are so many times when I miss having my feathered friend on my shoulder or knee and scratching her head, getting rid of any itchy new pinfeathers. I miss having her fly to my hand, I miss her mischievousness and even cleaning up poop from random spots in the house.


It's a difficult thing though when you are married and your spouse doesn't want to be inconvenienced by a noisy bird and just doesn't have the love for birds that you do :/

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When we had our Direct TV installed, the installer guy was bragging about how he found a grey. He kept it for awhile but didn't like it so he sold it. He made no effort to find the real owner. I'd like to think that all people in this world are decent but unfortunately, some are not. I hope that Murphy finds his way back to you. It is also possible that he can't because someone else has him.


Unfortunately, this happens a higher percentage of the time, than a "Bird Aware" person that understands the love the owner has for their bird and exhaust's all avenues of finding the heart broken owner.

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Paul, could you do another TV appearance or newspaper article, maybe with more details so if anyone has your Murphy he finds out how precious he is to you and your family, and finally gives him back to you? Maybe the person at hand is not aware of the ads and articles so he doesn't know whom to return the bird to, so repeating the story would be useful.. Or you could print Murphys picture, your contact info along with handsome reward offer like an add and put it into most/every house (postbox) in the nearest villages? I know it would be a lot of work and money but maybe people would be much more cooperative or someone would snitch another person that is maybe keeping Murphy?

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I lost my first grey, brought home his brother and lost him to to the same illness. Your loss is compounded by emptiness and unfathomable questions. You have a good spirit and so many of us out there trying to think of ways to help you. Anyone who loves one of these exquisite African greys can feel for you as you live with hope of someday seeing Murphy again. I did get another guy in my life and even though he will give me a wicked bite on the occasion that he feels like it, I already am smitten. He will never replace or heal the void left by my first love or my second love, but he is the fellow who came into my life and he is the one I will treasure while he is here with me. Some things are meant to be and if you can visit Charlie and if you are able to take in a bird who needs a home it will not diminish your caring for Murphy or take his place, it will just give you a place to express your love and some day you won't hurt as much as you do today.

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