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Life without my grey.


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I'm feeling sad not having my grey friend Murphy around, I'm slowly getting used to the fact that he is not here but I don't like it. As the time clicks away I feel less likely to get him back, I imagine he's still out there somewhere in a tree, wondering what it's all about............this big wide world!


You don't realise how much you miss them till they are gone. I keep going to whistle tunes, not for me as I don't normally whistle but for Murphy, I then remember in a spilt second later he isn't here. :(


When I return home, I walk through the door to say hello but he isn't here.

First thing in the morning, I don't hear him under the cover mumbling, waiting for me to uncover him so I can say "good morning mate"


I miss his little bobbing head, that is what hurts me the most would you believe, his little grey bobbing head when he was happy. mecry.gif


Oh Murphy, I hope your ok & not as sad as Daddy.


Life without a grey just isn't the same!

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You brought tears to my eyes & an ache to my heart....

My tiel, Bozo, died 5 months ago. Please go to my profile, album & look at his pics & video. I don't know which is worse - a pet dying or flying away...

I have checked everyday for good news & I'm not yet convinced Murphy is gone.


Keeping u in my prayers

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You brought tears to my eyes & an ache to my heart....

My tiel, Bozo, died 5 months ago. Please go to my profile, album & look at his pics & video. I don't know which is worse - a pet dying or flying away...

I have checked everyday for good news & I'm not yet convinced Murphy is gone.


Keeping u in my prayers


I just said the same thing to my husband early this evening. Many of you know that I lost my grey to sudden death in June. As hard as that is, I have closure. (although I'm still waiting for final results. I hope to get those tomorrow.) My heart aches for you reggieroo. I still have hope but can imagine how hard it is for you to keep hold of that. I check here every day before I even check email. I keep hoping, begging, praying, pleading, that I will see good news. God bless you all.

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When you said you hoped he wasn't as sad as you, my heart broke. That's how I'd be feeling too. I'd want to think he was happy with his newfound freedom, not feeling scared or lonely or lost.


Have you thought about getting another Grey? My boyfriend's dog just died a couple of weeks ago, and he says he misses his dog, Logan, but he also misses having a dog in general. He thinks he will get a new one soon.


Although...I have a friend whose cat vanished, and after several months she finally accepted it and went out and got two new kittens. A month later, her cat dragged itself home, sick and hungry and in need of surgery. She got it the help it needed, and then it moved back in and was NOT pleased with the kittens. But that was a year or so ago, and they're all living happily ever after now.


I hope you will take comfort from the knowledge that you did everything in your power to bring Murphy back home. I still hope for a happy ending for you, but maybe it will take a different form than we were all hoping for all along. Maybe there's a new Grey in your future.

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Oh Paul, I think when you write to us we all feel like you do. It is overwhelming. I think about you and Murphy a lot and nothing would make me happier than to see you two back together again. He is a strong, healthy bird and there is a good, good chance he is well. Now, you just need to care of yourself. It will take time.. I'm so glad you are here with us and I hope you'll stay no matter how long Murphy takes to get back to you. We will always want to hear your stories about him, the sad ones as the one you wrote today, and with time, the happy ones:) Talk to us, we are here...

Good luck!

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paul,i feel your loss mate,but just knowing you on this wonderful bird lovers site,you wont ever give up,as i said before,we lost jasper and like you ,we kept going.I feel you will be reunited paul,things we dont know about are all around us,we kept that thought going.

Thinking of you.

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Oh Guys, I can't even read my own post now, it has me that upset. A big strong man like me reduced to tears over a little bundle of grey feathers. I think it has hit me this morning, just broke down on Kate.


I'm not sure what would be worse, losing one to an escape or one passing on? When you lose one to an escape, you still have hope that they may come back & you haven't totally lost them in a way but at the same time you don't have any closure. If one passes on, then I guess you can grieve but the pain is probably worse to begin with as you know they aren't coming back.


As for getting another, well life without a grey is not a nice place to be if you love greys but at the same time I can't face putting another in his cage. It would feel as if I have given up on him, maybe it would be some closure though but always having that hope he may come back. I just don't know right now to be honest, I keep having thoughts of what I'll do if he doesn't come back. Maybe get another, it would help with the pain a little but then in other ways it would hurt when I look & think that isn't Murphy.

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Paul, it is the same as losing a birth child. It leaves a hole and pain that will never be filled, but grieving does pass and you do still have the hope that he is out there and will be found someday. We're all feeling for you and hope and pray for you as well.

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Thats up to you if you want to get another grey and only you know if that is your answer but I agree with Jooles in that if you do get another grey you should get another cage for you never know when that day comes that Murphy will rejoin his flock and he might not take too kindly to another bird in his "home". I think he is either out there fending for himself or someone has taken him in and doesn't know he is a missing bird but please don't give up hope for I think you two will be reunited one day and soon. Keep your chin up Paul.

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I am so sorry you lost Murphy. I keep hoping and checking daily to see if he has come back to you. It is my profound wish that you find him. I wish it wasn't so painful. I feel for you with my heart and soul, knowing I would be the same way if I lost Brutus.

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I've been checking every to to see if you have good news about Murphy. I cried when I read your last posts in this thread. I still have hopes that you'll find him, while at the same time hoping you'll begin to find some rest - and if not complete closure, at least some acceptance that you can live with. Please stay on the forum if you can - you obviously have a lot of support here! Only a bunch like us can understand how a bundle of feathers can work its way into your heart like our birds can.

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I'm feeling sad not having my grey friend Murphy around, I'm slowly getting used to the fact that he is not here but I don't like it. As the time clicks away I feel less likely to get him back, I imagine he's still out there somewhere in a tree, wondering what it's all about............this big wide world!


You don't realise how much you miss them till they are gone. I keep going to whistle tunes, not for me as I don't normally whistle but for Murphy, I then remember in a spilt second later he isn't here. :(


When I return home, I walk through the door to say hello but he isn't here.

First thing in the morning, I don't hear him under the cover mumbling, waiting for me to uncover him so I can say "good morning mate"


I miss his little bobbing head, that is what hurts me the most would you believe, his little grey bobbing head when he was happy. mecry.gif


Oh Murphy, I hope your ok & not as sad as Daddy.


Life without a grey just isn't the same!


I spent 24 hours like that and that was certainly enough. I know how you must feel. They are everywhere when they are with you, so when they are suddenly taken away, you miss them everywhere.


Your explanation is so heart wrenching and it aches to hear it. I think you will get a new baby when the time is right. You have done everything possible to find Murphy and have obviously felt for your lost friend. Murphy is probably still making his way and cleverly finding ways to carry on, but I am sure he misses you. It just really sucks.

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Paul, I will admit I've been avoiding logging into the forums for the past day or so because I didn't want to write anything here in this thread. It's just so wretchedly sad, I can only imagine the pain and grief you're feeling right now. How you described yourself at the outset--it was almost too much, I could see Marcus in Murphy's place so easily, too easily. But for you it isn't a "what if", it's real, and none of us--no matter how much we would like to be able to--can heal the great wound in your heart.


If you decide to get another bird is up to you (and perhaps not even a Grey but another medium-sized parrot, if another Grey is too close). I do feel that Murphy is out there somewhere, and I pray still that you two will be reunited in the future. But if you need to love another 'baby' in the meanwhile--and then in addition to Murphy, should that happy day come about, not soon enough!--then that is certainly all right too. When my first and most beloved pet rat died, I knew I couldn't get another rat just yet, but I also knew I needed to love and be loved by another small, furry animal. I got my beautiful chinchilla two days later. He was my little buddy for 13 years before he died last year... and then, again, I knew it was time for something else, a parrot. And we got our Beaker. And the rest is history. I'm just trying to say, nobody, nothing will ever fill your Murphy's "shoes" in your heart, but if you ever get to the point where you feel you have the room in your heart to love another creature who needs a good Daddy and a good friend, then you will not be wrong to get another parrot. You know Murphy would want you happy, even if he might be a bit jealous at first! :P And should he ever come home to you, don't at all be surprised how large your love has grown to encompass two wonderful fids so tenderly...

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I'm sorry...


IMO I would wait until you and your wife have let some time pass. At this point it wouldn't be good for the bird or the family as it appears the buy would just be a try to have Murphy again? Let some time go by, miss Murphy like you should and in 5 months sit down with your wife and see if it is time. If it is not, wait another 5 months or until one day you both look at each other and say, I'm ready to bring home another family member. Again, sorry for your lose and I'm just trying to help.

Edited by kingsnake
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