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Hi carlsjr and welcome to the forum. WOW late Nov. is a long time to wait.

Do you have other birds or is this your first parrot ???


Thank you.

We had a re-homed Orange Wing Amazon for 2 years, unfortunately he passed a couple of weeks ago. We got him from our neighbors co-worker for free and that should have been a red flag for me. They had him since he was hatched and was 34 when he passed. they gave them to us because they were older and traveled a lot so they did not have time for him anymore and none of their kids wanted him.


I spoke with the previous owners a few days later and told them i had to put him down they told me more about his history that i did not know. They had people move in with them for a while and soon after he turned from a nice bird to a nasty one. Turns out he got hit by the ceiling fan a few times and flew into the sliding glass door a few times, none of this i knew anything about..... We got home from the store and i found him at the bottom of his cage laying on his back, when i got him out of his cage he reached around and bit the holy crap out of his wing, i think he was thinking he was biting me because he could not feel it and he really tore into his wing. I rushed him to our vet and they tried to help him. She gave him anti-seizure meds because he was having seizures, pain meds for his wing, Valium to calm him down and x-ray'ed him. they kept him over night in a incubator but the next morning he was not any better. So i had a decision to make......


With the new info i got from the previous owners I believe his previous injuries caught up with him. I wish i had know all that so could have been proactive and had him thoroughly check out at the Colorado state university veterinary school. Even though we could not do much with him without getting a very nasty bite I miss him a lot. He had his own little personality and a fairly mellow bird.

Edited by carlsjr
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Welcome and thanks for the info. I did not know you could DNA test the egg shell.


I just did an April->July waiting game. Plenty of time to read and plan.




yup you sure can. this is the company where i got my OW sex tested. i had a professional bird groomer trim one of his nails just enough to get one drop of blood. turns out the old vet not only had his species wrong but also his sex wrong. he listed him as a double yellow-headed zon. This was my first full size parrot and i knew the day i got him he was not a double yellow headed zon....


source: http://www.avianbiotech.com/SexingCenter.htm


In 1999 several raptor (falcons, eagles, hawks, etc.) breeders in the US and Europe wanted a non-invasive method to sex their chicks. Results were needed within a week after hatching to give the breeder an opportunity to hand raise the chick or place it back in the nest with its mother. Studies showed that material left behind after hatching contained a large amount of vascular material which could be reliably used for sex identification. Five years later, we sex thousands of birds a year using the shells they have left behind after hatching.

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Oh God, that was a horrible sory!! :-(( Poor, poor bird! It makes me wanna kill some people (not literally but still..). I wish they had told you what was going on so you could at least try to help him. Stupid people! Sorry, this just got me going!


Welcome to the Grey family! :) Can't wait the pictures!:)

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Hello Carl and welcome to our family and now the wait begins.

I am so sorry about your amazon and the neighbors were not very truthful with you as it may very well have been an accumulation of those accidents he had but at least he did have 34 years to enjoy life and that is longer than many last. It is heartbreaking to have to put a loved one down but sometimes it is the kindest thing you can do, at least you know the last two years were his best.

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