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Mikko's weekend adventure trip

Joe Bachi

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Hey guys,

This week I had a three day weekend (Sat-Sun-Mon) and I had to go to my parent's. Naturally I wasn't going to leave Mikko all alone for three days, so I decided to take him along.

First we had a 40 min drive that Mikko hated (next time I'm definitely covering his cage)

When we got there, I left Mikko's cage on the front porch while we all had lunch(inside).

I tried to spend as much time as possible with him to comfort him, and it didn't take him long to get used to the new placement and he was most happy when we all sat there next to him after lunch and I gave him treats.

At night, I took him up to my room and settled in rather quickly as well.

He spent Sunday in my room and I did my best to be with him and I even trained him.

I also replaced his big plastic perch with a wooden one that I made with my dad.

The next morning I took him to the garden where we were all sitting but he didn't quite like it there,so I took him back to my room after a while.

I also made him a toy (a scoobydoo of two colors made out of wool; he likes to rip off the strings)

In the afternoon it was time to go back home, so I put him in the car and this time he was a bit more acceptive of the trip. Once we got home, he was thrilled to be back in my room :)


I have a few Qs though:

*When he grinds the two parts of his beack against each other it's a sign that he's happy right?

*When climbs on the sides of the cage nonstop, it means that he's still nervous, right?


Thank you all

Tips for the next trip are welcomed



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Ray is right. My grey will climb all around his cage due to wanting out. Approaching and offering something through the bars when he wants out is just asking to get a good bite, rather than taking the treat. They are brats and want their way. I guarantee you he is climbing around like a caged tiger that wants out. Their mental age at maximum is that of a 4 year old child ......

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You should take Mikko out for more short trips in the carrier and go different places so he gets to experience more of the world around him besides his home and he will come to love the car rides, I take my Josey on trips when we go visit our son who lives 4+hours away and she rides just fine, she plays with her bell and chats to herself, it also makes for a positive experience in the carrier for when you have to put him in it for vet visits.

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