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Jess,my new arival


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Well fokes,my 10 year old grey landed with us yesterday,what a fabulous bird.jasper my amazon,whoosh,straight over to have a look,jess wasnt to impressed.So far ive managed to have jess sit in my shoulder all afternoon,and taken grapes and other food off me,no lunges yet.My dilemma is,do i keep her in her old cage till she gets used to me,which is probably best,or do i try and get her in her new home asap?Any advice from my fellow grey lovers will be so useful,on any matter.I think im doing ok so far,but this is only her first full day.I will put some pics up ,

Many thanks to you all.

steve and jess;)

Jess 002.jpg

Edited by Stevie
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I had jess on my legs for an hour,she just sat there and let me stroke her back,it was a wonderful feeling,seems she trusts me.I will put some pics up of the lovely moment.The damaged hand happened while making a perch for my new girl.:o

jess and jasper 049.jpg

Edited by Stevie
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Congrats on getting Jess home and it looks to be going smoothly but be prepared for a few bumps along the way as she settles into her new home, it is sort of the "honeymoon" phase right now and more of her true personality will emerge in the coming weeks and months but enjoy, now where are the pictures!

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If Jess likes the cage, if you like the cage, if the cage is in good shape, if the cage is the proper size then keep it. If he uses the cage in order to get aggressive with you, change the cage. So far, from what you say there's no problems but as Judy says, there's that Honeymoon Stage so let things stay status quo until you learn more about his habits and true personality.

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