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Hi I'm Bebe


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Hello and welcome to the family, Bebe, glad you joined even if you have no time right now to tell us anything else about you. I assume you have a grey, that looks like one in your avatar, and that is why you are here.


Please come back soon and give us some more information, like your bird's name, age, how long you have had him/her and a little something about you so we can get to know you better.

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Thanks for the kind welcome guys!!!! About me: I live in the uk and have a lovely parrot called Sully, he is almost 6 and quite good, although I'd like to impove my relationship with him in time as we arn't so good at handeling, my husband seems to have the "Safe" arms, mine are just for emergencies! lol I look forward to making a friend or two here! :D

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Well we love to make friends, and we have a lot of members who would love more friends, even me. Anyone who owns a grey is a friend in our world, so add us to your list.


I assume your Sully is bonded with your hubby and not you and there is not much you can do about that, since it is Sully's choice. But you can work at making it better, so you can at least handle him more. We already have a lot of good information here and some of it deals with getting a grey to accept someone more readily. Read thru the threads and you will find a lot of helpful hints.


You could be the one to give him treats, scratches when he wants them and talking to him and playing with him to try to get him more accepting of you.

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Thanks! Perhaps he does favor my husband even though he hardy interacts with him: I'm the one that spends most time with him and talks to him, we are quite in tune now, I can usually get him to do what I want and he's very cudley with me, he just gets tense about my arms. because there is usually some drama (like Clipping or wandering too far or jumping down and regretting it. lol)when I 'save' him with my arms. So I can't blame him! Mine are kinda skinny for him after his dads too! lol I'll get there with him, just have to work on it. :D

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