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My flock


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Hi everyone, here they are my flock which always amused me every second... (minus Zidane my baby CAG)



Jerry< my sun conure.


She is very cute bird and have a strong bonding to me. I have free flighted her unintentionally :D, she is 2 years old and have been living with me for one year or more. I have trained her recall training indoor almost everyday, but too afraid to let the outdoor session begin.


I live in Jakarta , Indonesia where pet parrot is not a popular hobby, that's why parrot equipment like harness is not available in every petshop. I try to make raptor's anklet model tied up in her legs but she is so smart so she finally managed to free her legs from metal hooks. But instead fly away, she choose to fly home..... Thank God I train such exercise in front of my home. Starting from there, my confidence grows stronger, I trained her recall outdoor almost everyday and it's getting better. So now I have take her almost every where; ff in a soccer field, going to mini market, atm, etc. I used to let her go out of the cage whenever I am home. She is freely fly indoor and outdoor. I believe this is a miracle.... and it still continues...:)


you can see the video of jerry here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W89RFAzSLGA&feature=autoplay&list=UL4wMag5vHP5E&index=3&playnext=1



Here is Hooper,


I named it after the hooping habbit she showed me when excited!! She could do only few tricks; wave, turn arround, step up, and FTm/ recall. Hope when her clipped wings get recovered , her recall distance would increase for more than 2 meters..LOL




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