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Birds have feelings....


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I was driving home... A small yellow bird was laying in the middle of the road. His/her other half was trying to get him to open his/her wing to fly. A car was on my tail and I don't know if it got away. I didn't hear a thud or anything, I prayed it got away.


I bawled the rest of the way home. Now i'm here in tears again. We just lost our husky, Victoria 2 weeks ago, she was only 7 and it was due to hip problems.


Anyway, I needed to let that out....

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I feel so bad for you Jingles. Rocco would have been 7 July 2 this year. Yes, I agree birds have feelings. I also believe they have the biggest love, my Val will happily whistle ever morning when she see's me come through the house. The b/g will bounce around when I enter his room, and Roy tells me hello. They get so excited to see me after the nap or if I go out for a while. When I hold them I can feel their love. All 3 have a different way of showing it, all different personalities. They care and do have feelings.

Your pain will ease, it just takes time. Good luck, and everything will be ok

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Thanks Shelly. I remember what happened to your Rocco :( How are you?


That's so sweet about your birds! Jasper will let us sleep in til 9, but that's it. Then he's up talking away and starts his big stuff when i come in the room... I love it.

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I am doing ok. Still have my days that I sit and cry for him, and the way he died is just unspeakable. Still haven't heard when the law suit will start, but I think it will be soon. Val has add so much joy around here, and she helped ease the pain. You can read some of my post about her in the nursery. She is a funny girl and we love her. Austin is doing better, but he also has moments usually when he see's a look a like on TV,

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I can't help it, any hurt bird makes me cry! I saved one that had gotten some tail feathers pulled out and was stuck on the road. My husband must've thought I was crazy because he was driving right behind me and all of a sudden I turned around and got out of the car to get the pretty birdie out of the road! How could I have left it though??!?!


Hate to hear of both of your loses. I wish the best to both of you!

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I read a study once where a horrible scientist would put one rat in pain, and studied how his rat friend reacted. It proved that rats have empathy. I'm sure birds feel the same way.


I'm sure that whatever happened, that little yellow birds friend stayed with him/her.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one... I almost think owning and knowing about birds just makes it worse.


When I went back, there where no birds... so, i can only think that they went to heaven together or s/he took off with the bird and buried it. At least that's what gets me through it.




Shelly - you'll have to keep us posted on the law suite. It was un-speakable the way your sweet dog died. I will continue to pray for your son.

Edited by Jingles
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I don't think that a car running over or hitting an animal is a natures thing! That is what we pay for overtaking the planet and almost all animals habitats. -But it is a horrible thing to endure when it happens to you. At this point, I think hoping for the best is not good enough. I always feel so much guilt for not stopping and checking if there was anything I could have done for these poor things; or at least if I could have called someone who might have done something. I think it is time to change that. Also, I bet it is a lot easier to think they got of fine, or they went to heaven but that is just our excuse, our justification in our own eyes.

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