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A horrible, terrifying morning :(


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So, I hate to admit it, but I was a forgetful Parront this morning.


I let Sully out of his cage as usual, and remembered I had things to do, so I put him back in his cage about an hour later, but didn't realize I left his food door open. I went about my morning ritual of cleaning and had run outside to take the trash out... I came back in and ran into the kitchen when I heard something fall in the bathroom... I thought it was one of the cats, so I finished up chopping Sully's veggies and went up to check it out. Sully had gotten out of his cage, walked to the bathroom, and knocked over the COMET bathroom cleaner. LUCKILY, it was nearly empty, but he still bit a hole into the top of it... and a itty bit got on the floor. He wasn't anywhere near it when I got there, but I put two and two together when I picked him up and he had blue powder on his beak. I very much doubted he got ANY, but I freaked...


PANIC!!! I called the vets ( both are FREAKING CLOSED ON SATURDAYS!!) And Called the emergency vet, who refferred me to the Poison control number. Anyway, I finally got ahold of a vet who would answer my question, and he advised me to give him gatorade, and yogurt (to neutralize any acids). It's been about an hour and a half now, and Sully's fine so far. I will be taking him to the vet at 2, when my husband gets home with our car, but I'm worried! :'( I feel like such a bad mom :(


I didn't even want to share it, but I know you all are very supportive, and I just wanted to serve a reminder, CHECK every door on your fids' cages , and keep anything poisonous off the floor, even if you're just going to be gone a minute :'(


I'll update everyone soon. I'm fighting Sully off the keys on the laptop, while at the same time getting yogurt everywhere. He thinks this is fun time! He gets mom all to himself, PLUS YOGURT!?!?

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Logging back in again, gotta get to work around here, but I just want to say--you are NOT a bad mom, or a bad parront. Things happen sometimes. I know I posted recently about how Marcus flew out of the birdroom and landed on our dog and for a few seconds I thought she had stepped on him because he wasn't moving at all, I thought he was dead! Believe me all the Why-didn't-I?-type questions ran through my head! These Greys are smart and fast. Sometimes we humans are forgetful. But you didn't leave the door open maliciously, thinking, That Sully, I want him to get into trouble somewhere! And you're being a great mom and calling around and making sure he'll get the attention he needs, when you can get him there.


I am sorry to hear about the Comet being all over his beak. :( I think I threw ours out a while ago, I just use baking soda and vinegar and liquid soap in the bathroom now, just in case. (Not that eating soap would be tons better, probably.) But even then, the tea tree oil soap I have for major disinfecting for 'extreme' situations, I have to keep hidden away, it could hurt the cats as well as the birds. Could something still happen? It's more than just me in the house, maybe my hubby might pull that stuff out someday and, being who he is, not even think about some non-human getting into it. I hope not... but that's why these things are called accidents. You prevent them as much as you can, but sometimes things still happen.


I'm just glad to hear Sully's looking all right so far. Please let us know how things work out at the vet's later today.

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So you were a little careless, aren't we all now and then. The important thing is that you acted quickly and did all the necessary things to ensure that Sully will be fine. Besides, my gang loves gatorade so am sure Sully is enjoying his "treat"! It's things like this that remind us that we are raising a grey that is so like a rambunctious child always getting into something. (Remember, I am the lady that had the CAG hanging upside down from a bell chain wrapped around his little leg! And he was not even three feet from me at the time!) Sully is so lucky to have a parront who cares so much!!!!

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Hey now, I watched an episode of that show "my strange addiction" where a woman ate comet cleaner every day. Maybe you left it on and Sully wanted to try it? hehe!


On a serious note, I hope everything turns out okay. I've left the food door open, and nearly had a heart attack when Jon was on the floor

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Uh...hope everything turns out just fine. You did everything you could to correct the result of an accident so don't dwell on it too much. It could have happened to anyone so that means you're not a bad parent. You can't look out for him 24/7 or be 100% efficient all the time. Keep us posted and tnx for sharing:)

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Just to let everyone know... Sully's doing well still. He's sleeping now, after his yogurt-filled morning. His vet visit went alright. She couldn't really tell us much, because we weren't sure how much he had ingested, and he has been acting fine. She said to give him another teaspoon of yogurt tonight, but to cool it on the Gatorade because of the sugar, and if anything changes to bring him back. She did say, however (just in case anyone's fid swollows anything similar) that the yogurt is best to give to your fid if you can't get to the vet immediately. Even though Dairy isn't good on the tummy, it will keep the comet from burning ulcers into the crop, esophogus or stomach :(


We got good news on him, though. She said he seems like a happy bird, with great personality & beautiful feathers (but we already knew that! :) ) She said he's a little underweight (at 288g) but he's also a little smaller all over so...eh, he's a little guy :)

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Thanks :) I think he may be a little longer, but he was INTENT on catching the tape measure, so We kinda got his length from neck to tail, lol.


He eats allllll the time, So I'm not too worried about it. She said she'd like to see another 10 grams on him, but He's active & growing still! :)

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And they say that greys are picky eaters, At least at stuff you want them to eat.

I think this is something we have all gone through at one time or anouther.

My grey Corky will eat all the stuff you don`t want her to and none of the stuff you want her to.

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I have to admit I love that movie, now that I have grandkids I have watched lots of animated films with and without them and I do think of that character Sully when anyone mentions the name.

Oh yeah back to the topic, I am glad that Sully has survived the comet taste test, one that should not be repeated.

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I have to admit I love that movie, now that I have grandkids I have watched lots of animated films with and without them and I do think of that character Sully when anyone mentions the name.

Oh yeah back to the topic, I am glad that Sully has survived the comet taste test, one that should not be repeated.


I am right there with you. Monsters Inc was on Netflix Watch Instantly and they took it away. THAT was a dark day. It has been replaced with "Dragon Hunters". (As a grandma, I LOVE Netflix!)

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