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Hi all,


I am new here and looking for a ton of information. I am looking to adopt an AG in need of a home, and boy that has not been an easy task. Everyone who claims they need to rehome their AG is asking 1000$ and more....and some want to ship them to me...uh no...imagine how stressful that would be to any bird...tell me these people have the best in mind for their parrot...I think not....ok, sorry rant over. Sorry about that little rant, looking to adopt an AG has left me a little bitter about bad owners out there.


Anyways, I'm in Montreal Quebec and will persue my dream of rescuing/adopting an AG in need of a wonderful loving home... I've already researched and learned so much about Grey's, but I can't wait to read more on this site...


So, I guess all that's left to say for now is Hello!!!! Oh and my name is Kim. Pleasure to meet you all.

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You should try to do an in depth search for adoption/rescue centers in your country that have all different types of parrots. Most all of them are adults. Adoption centers will not ship any birds anywhere. You would need to visit first because the owners of these places would wanna see you in person. If you were in the US, we could direct you to these places. Usually, there's an adoption fee. The birds wind up costing less than half of their normal selling price.

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Hi Kim and welcome! We have a thread about some scams that are going on, involving shipping birds. You should check it out. Also, if you wanna adopt, as Dave said, you should meet the bird in person. Good luck and keep us posted:)

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Welcome Kim :)

Glad you are looking into adoption for your Grey. Most shelters or rescues won't ship birds, and the adoption fees in the US are usually between $150-$500, but include a cage and toys. You'll look at paying $750-$1500 for a baby grey in the US, I don't know what prices are in Canada.


Hope you find your grey soon!

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Thank you for all the warm welcomes....I've discovered it is really hard to find a parrot in need of a home for a decent price. I am trying to teach my children a valuable lesson about not purchasing from pet stores or shipping animals. However it's a long wait for them...who am I kidding it's a long wait for me too....I found a shelter here in my area that adopts out parrots for free(there is a fee if a cage is needed) but they do not have any right now and there is a waiting list. So, I'll continue my search while waiting for this rescue.

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Shipping isn't always a bad thing :)

Our Sully was shipped to us in a climate controlled part of an airplane for animals :) It is stressful, no doubt, but I would imagine going to any new home would be.


Perhaps trying to search further away from your home? A Lot of rescues will meet you half way.

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Hello Kim and welcome to our family, I am so pleased you want to adopt a grey in need of a new home instead of getting a baby grey, it usually is a much harder task to gain the trust of a bird that has had at least one other home or many homes. I think Dave's advice to search for rescue facilities as they are all over the place and one may be in a comfortable distance from you that you could make the trip yourself as you really need to meet the grey in person.

As you are already finding out you will gain lots of useful information and advice from our many members here, firsthand experience in fact that will help guide you to the one that is for you, as they say "seek and ye shall find", and it helps that you are not in a rush so take your time and I hope your search is fruitful.

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