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I'm very new here, just about a few minutes ago :P, I have a 8 month old CAG, one sweet Sun conure and cute Yellow sided conure.


I have Zidane, my CAG 4 months ago. He did a few tricks now: step up, wave, turn arround, wings / eagle and recently learn faster on retrieve trick. The fast response he (I assummed Zidan is male) pick up any tricks was amazed me compared to my others parrots. That's why I love Zidane this much:D.


I have free flighted my sun conure, and willing to do the same for Zidane. I am the best fan of Carly Lu but I think I should be patiently wait until the trimmed wings grow completely. I try to socialize him as much as i could,riding bike with him arround my house on harness, let him step up to my neighbours and relatives... etc. So far Zidan talking ability is quite good. He speaks 10 words and whistling 4 different songs' phrases. Not bad for juvenille like him.


Since I live in Jakarta, Indonesia where parrot hobby is not popular I have to buy books, harness online. I have to search the internet to get any information on parrot, and by the chance stuck here..:D, so guys.... pls understand my "not too good" english. Need your guidance and sharing here...



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Welcome to the forum! Nice pictures!:) Seems like your baby is doing really great:)

I'm kinda in the same position with buying everything on line because our pet stores here (in Croatia, Europe) suck-for the birds, anyway.. Did Zidane get his name by that French footballer Zinedine Zidane?

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Yup, you are definitely correct. When zidane came to my home, we held a voting session and my son picked his favourite footballer as its name, and the rest of the family loves such name :)


A month ago I bought Mattie sue athan's book on local store after waiting approximately a month! !Fortunately I could get it. But for parrot magazine they could not make it available here, so I bought them while I went to Singapore for business purpose. :(.


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Hello Parrot14 and welcome to our family, you have quite an adventure with those three parrots of yours.

You may post pictures of Zidane in any thread you like and you can share some pics of your conures in the other birds room if you like, we like to look at all birds.

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I just follow what they said on how to accustomize the grey bird to the sorrounding, just in case he is lost,hopefully he knows where to go back to my home nearby.

I used to socialize my flock to the outdoor activity, including zidane. He made a good start though. He is confident enough to deal with new environment, like this picture, his first experience in the vast field, while jerry flying approaching to me with high pitch noise, zidane carefully observes ;):


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typho error
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