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Marcus and Company


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I just have some cute pictures of Marcus and the gang hanging around in my computer. Thought I'd share. :)


Marcus eating some greens on his playgym:



Marcus watching the water come out of the showerhead:



Cute little Bunsen:



Tybalt eating greens on the cagetop perch:



Marcus fanning his tail out on the screen:



Fluffy Beaker:


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Rest assured, Shelly, Morana: as regards that one photo with Marcus on the window screen, we do not encourage him (or any of the boys) to do that! Occasionally he will resist stepping up--particularly if he doesn't want to go back to his cage from being out with us--and he'll take off. He still flies a bit awkwardly and has landed on the screen once or twice before in the den; the windows on the one side are permanently closed, so it's just that one side that's open. We always run over as quickly as possible to retrieve him. But, that one time, with his tail so pretty and 'open' like that, I just had to steal a shot before we removed him from his place!


And Judygram, I know you like the IRNs, so I will have to dig up some other nice photos of our Tybalt for you to admire. :)

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But that windows looks soooo much open:-((( Brrrrr...


Honestly, Morana, you're going to make me more paranoid than I already am! :P


Marcus pulled the "let's land on the screen again" thing yesterday and I thought of you while I was removing him from it--he does it sometimes when he doesn't want to go back to his cage. I'd closed the windows a little bit more beforehand, though, because I kept hearing your "voice" in my head... truly, if we thought there was any chance these screens would rip, we wouldn't even allow him in this room. Believe me, the last thing we want is for our beautiful boy to get lost outside!! :(

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I know you don't want your precious birdie to go missing but also, now I think that maybe we are not understanding each other very well. You keep talking about some screen and all I see is an open window!? So which is it? Is that your way to call a type of a window, or are you saying there is a screen (like for mosquitos) behind the window? Could you please explain and/or post a picture.


PS: being little paranoid is not so bed. Let me tell you how my paranoia possibly saved Zak today. We were in the kitchen making lunch and since it is a small kitchen it was turning to be very hot so I suggested to my bf to open a window. So we did. Window was open for about a second or so before I put it on that thingie (which I installed so the window can't be open enough for Zak to escape). We have two doors between Zak and us and if both are closed there s no way Zak could escape even if one opens.. In about a minute something came up (he knocked something over and it came down with a loud bang) and I rushed over to Zaks room to see is he ok just to be shocked how fast he jumped on the door without me even seeing him. So, if the window in the kitchen was open like we first opened it, Zak would have had every chance to escape through it.. But this time, because of my paranoia, he didn't even get the chance;)

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You keep talking about some screen and all I see is an open window!? So which is it? Is that your way to call a type of a window, or are you saying there is a screen (like for mosquitos) behind the window? Could you please explain and/or post a picture.


Here you go, Morana. I actually took a picture of our dirty screen for you! :P




My husband just said that people often do not have screens in Europe. (???) Perhaps that is the source of the confusion, or part of it at least. He also told me to tell you that we have "mosquitoes as big as birds" here, so window screens are a must! But it is not just an open window, I could see you thinking me completely insane if that was the case and Marcus flying around like that!


By the way, I'm glad your Zak is okay after what happened with the window. :)


And Judygram, I found another picture of our Tybalt in my camera that I thought you might like. Sorry that it's something of a grainy photo, I'm not too sure what happened with that. Usually they come out much better, even when I zoom in...



Edited by MarcusCAG
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My husband just said that people often do not have screens in Europe. (???) Perhaps that is the source of the confusion, or part of it at least. He also told me to tell you that we have "mosquitoes as big as birds" here, so window screens are a must! But it is not just an open window, I could see you thinking me completely insane if that was the case and Marcus flying around like that!


By the way, I'm glad your Zak is okay after what happened with the window. :)

We don't have a screen.. I don't know anybody who has them except on seaside. Tnx for the picture. I didn't see the screen so I did think window is that open;) If the screen is properly put I don't think it could fall of or rip so Marcus is probably very safe;) Will you be back to less paranoid self after this words?:-P


Tnx for thinking of Zak but as I said..it is good that I'm that paranoid sometimes;)

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So cute! How do you get them to eat greens? My guys view greens as things to throw out of the bowl. Do they all get along? My quaker has no concept of his size and readily gets into trouble with the larger birds because he believes all of my attention should be directed towards him. Brutus, my CAG, is gentle, but our new Amazon, Pancho, will defend himself. Jimmy got a slice on his beak because he refuses to believe he is anything but King Kong.

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So cute! How do you get them to eat greens? My guys view greens as things to throw out of the bowl. Do they all get along? My quaker has no concept of his size and readily gets into trouble with the larger birds because he believes all of my attention should be directed towards him. Brutus, my CAG, is gentle, but our new Amazon, Pancho, will defend himself. Jimmy got a slice on his beak because he refuses to believe he is anything but King Kong.


Oh, poor Jimpster! :( I could see that happening somehow, though--Beaker goes through his feisty moods, too, but in terms of Marcus he usually keeps a safe distance. (I get a lot of his spit and vinegar, though, much as he loves me! His Daddy is his absolute favorite.) However, our Indian Ringneck, Tybalt, sometimes seems to think that he is about Marcus' size, and I've had to jump up and run over and startle him off Marcus' cage a couple of times because Marcus was just coming down on him like a big T-rex...


Our boys only started eating greens when I found the big, leafy varieties at a supermarket farther from our house. I didn't put in a garden this year, but I probably should next year, because Marcus just loves the collards! Kale is ho-hum, and I've discovered they think turnip greens are nice for variety. But they won't eat the "baby" greens! I had been offering Marcus them for a while and he just wouldn't touch them unless I pureed them with some apple or something. But he and Tybalt in particular like the big, leafy greens. I've seen little Bunsen nibble on tiny pieces I ripped up for him, once or twice, too! So maybe if you haven't tried giving Brutus and your gang the full, mature leaf greens yet, that might make a difference. They seem to be fun to play with, too. ;)


And here is the flock dynamic at this point: Marcus doesn't seem to mind any of the smaller parrots if they keep their distance. He won't go after anyone unless they tread upon his territory too long while he is hanging out there (like if he is on his cagetop and somebody else suddenly decides they want to preen there). And little Bunsen, the cockatiel, is generally indifferent to everyone. He seems to want to be friendly with Marcus (!) if he wants to be close to any of the other birds, so we need to make sure that he doesn't try to get too close when Marcus wants his space, because we're afraid of nipped toes or worse--not that Marcus would be particularly vicious, I couldn't see that, but simply for the size difference a chastising swipe could be very bad for little Bunsen. :( Still it is funny because Marcus will often get frustrated with the other, smaller parrots flying all around him and--presumably--being annoying to him. He'll say "Stop it!" and "stinker!" when he gets really irritated. :P But Tybalt and Beaker really seem to kind of like Marcus as a presence more than an actual, interactive flockmate, although once Tybalt actually regurgitated for Marcus up on the Boing--I nearly had a heart attack!!!!


Tybalt and Beaker are best buddies: they preen each other and Tybalt feeds Beaker occasionally, so they're happy to have each other. Tybalt, though, will pick on little Bunsen if they have out-of-cage time together... he often pulls on his tailfeathers and makes him scream. So if I want to have Bunsen out I either take him and Marcus in another room with me and let the "Greenies" have the run of the birdroom (with many visits back to check that they're okay). Or, I give Tybalt an almond and keep him in his cage while I let the others out in the birdroom. And Beaker usually takes no notice of Bunsen at all unless he lands close to him, and then Beaker will yell at him in a very Quaker-ish way and move away an inch or two, and that's the end of it!


So, usually, it's a happy little family here!

Edited by MarcusCAG
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